How do I view my grades in a current subject in the Student app on my iOS device?
The Grades page in a course displays current grades for all course assignments. You can also view scoring details, comments, and rubrics. If your institution has enabled grading periods, you can also filter grades by grading period.
Note: Some details in the Grades page, such as scoring details and the total grade, may be restricted in your course.
Open Subject Grades
![Open Subject Grades](
From the Homeroom, tap the Grades tab [1].
If allowed by your instructor, your total subject grades display [2].
To view grade details for a subject, tap the subject name [3].
- If your instructor has hidden total subject grades, Not Graded displays in place of the total subject grade [4].
- If your institution has grading periods enabled, you can change them in the Grading Period dropdown menu [5].
View Subject Grades
![View Subject Grades](
If allowed by your instructor, your overall subject grade displays [1]. If your instructor does not allow you to view your grades, N/A is displayed [2].
By default, grades are sorted chronologically by assignment due date.
You can view the assignment group [3], the name of the assignment [4], the assignment due date [5], and your assignment score and total assignment points [6].
You can view the status of your assignments [7].
Open Assignment
![Open Assignment](
To view scoring details and comments, tap the assignment name.
View Assignment Details
![View Assignment Details](
The Assignment Details page displays assignment information.
If your assignment is graded, the details page displays the points possible [1] and a Submitted label [2].
The assignment details page displays the assignment due date [3] and submission type(s) [4].
If your assignment is graded, the details page displays the grade you received [5].
To view your submission, tap the Submission & Rubric link [6]. Submission and other details display in the Submission page.
The assignment details page also displays the assignment description [7].
If you are allowed to add a new submission to the assignment, the Resubmit Assignment button may display [4]. To submit a new attempt, tap the Resubmit Assignment button [8].
View Submission
![View Submission](
The Submission details page displays your most recent submission. You can view comments [1], file submissions [2], and a rubric, if any [3].