How do I view my schedule in the Student app on my Android device?
You can view upcoming assignments, discussions, quizzes, and events for each of your subjects in the Homeroom Schedule or the To Do List.
Note: If the Schedule tab does not display in your homeroom or subject, it has been hidden by your instructor.
View Homeroom Schedule

In the Schedule tab [1], you can view various action items for all of your subjects by date.
Each item displays the subject name [2], item name [3], number of points (if points have been assigned) [4], and the due date [5].
Each item also displays an icon to differentiate between different assignment types and other items in the Schedule [6].
When an online assignment is submitted, the item is automatically marked as completed. To manually mark non-submission items as complete, click the item's checkbox [7].
To view item details, tap the name of the item [8].
To return to the current date, tap the Jump to Today icon [9].
Open To Do List

You can view upcoming tasks in the To Do List.
To open your To Do List, tap the To Do icon [1]. Then view the items [2].