Benefits and successes of CD2?

Community Coach
Community Coach

What are the new capabilities that came with the transition to Canvas Data 2? What new reports or benefits have been realized? 

For example: 

  • late_policies: We can now see if assignments have a missing submission policy set and how many points are deducted when an assignment is missing. That helped us see where a person errantly assigned a deduction of 0 points, meaning students would get a 100% when they do not post a submission.

  • I am seeing a rubrics_assessments table and will be eager to dive into creation of new visualizations to help faculty aggregate rubric score results. However, this data field is a YAML data type which will require additional processing to deserialize it ahead of making good use of it. That is not something I can do using Tableau. 

  • the use_for_grading field within rubrics_associations lets us see where someone added a rubric to an assignment but missed checking off the little box in the settings. 


How about you? What is new and useful?

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