[ARCHIVED] Multiple Due Date Assignments

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I've noticed that assignments with multiple due dates show 'null' in the Due_At column of the Assignment_Dim table.  In my query builder I've joined Assignment_Dim.Assignment_ID=Course_Dim.Assignment_ID.  Might linking these two dimension tables to Assignment_Fact (which I don't have available to me yet but soon will) using the Assignment_ID key give me the various due dates linked to a single assignment?

Thanks in advance,


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You may already have your answer but I was curious so I went in and started digging around.  To answer your question no, if you connect to the ASSIGNMENT_FACT you will not be able to display the multiple due dates; they don't exist in the ASSIGNMENT_DIM.  The dates you are looking for are located in the  ASSIGNMENT_OVERRIDE_DIM in the DUE_AT column. 

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