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Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-05-12)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-05-12)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features, but they do not affect customer workflows. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Intended changes in workflow are noted in the Canvas Release Notes published monthly.

Deploy notes may include notable fixed bugs, resolved fixes in Known Issues, and other updates that do not affect user functionality.


  • Subscribe to the deploy notes page to be notified of posted deploy notes
  • For Canvas Platform Service changes (API, GraphQL, Canvas Data), please see the appropriate page in the Change Log 
  • Other questions? Visit the Canvas Deploy FAQ 


Deploy Notes Change Log


Interface Updates



Assignment Enhancements Rubric Placement

This feature is used in conjunction with the Assignment Enhancements - Student feature option in Canvas.

Comments about this feature are welcome in the New Student Enhancements Users forum


The Rubric link has been placed between the assignment details section and the attempt submission area.

Change Benefit

This change places the rubric more prominently in the page for students to view before submitting their assignment.

Affected User Roles


When a course has enabled assignment enhancements, and an instructor has included a rubric for an assignment, students can view a Rubric heading below the Details heading. This placement allows students to view the rubric more easily before submitting their assignment. Previously the Rubric link was placed next to the Attempt link at the bottom of the page.


Related Idea Conversation: Assignment Enhancements: Rubrics should not be iso...


Assignment Enhancements Submission Updates 

This feature is used in conjunction with the Assignment Enhancements - Student feature option in Canvas.

Comments about this feature are welcome in the New Student Enhancements Users forum


Assignments display the submission time along with the submission date. Additionally, the Display Grade field has been updated.

Change Benefit

These changes provide clarity to students regarding the status of their assignment.

Affected User Roles


When a course has enabled assignment enhancements, the Display Grade size for a student assignment has been increased in the page and only displays the total possible grade. Once the assignment has been graded, the earned grade displays in the page. 

Additionally, when an assignment is submitted, the time of the submission is indicated next to the date. 



Assignment Enhancements Attempt Cancelation

This feature is used in conjunction with the Assignment Enhancements - Student feature option in Canvas.

Comments about this feature are welcome in the New Student Enhancements Users forum


For attempts after a student’s initial attempt, the assignment footer includes a Cancel Attempt button.

Change Benefit

This change helps students cancel a new assignment attempt easily.

Affected User Roles


Students who have already submitted their initial attempt and can submit additional attempts will view a Cancel Attempt button in the footer. This button displays after a new attempt has been started, and canceling the attempt returns the student to the last submitted attempt.

If the student has selected any content for the submission before canceling the attempt, the page displays a confirmation dialog confirming the student wants to cancel their attempt.



Course Settings

Participation Term Dates

Discussion about this change is welcome in 2021-03-20 Q&A: Course Settings: Course Availability Dates


Course dates are cleared when participation dates are set to Term dates.

Change Benefit

This change prevents unintentional interactions with user courses, favoriting, and other features that include course dates.

Affected User Roles

Admins, Instructors

For users who can manage the Participation dates for a course, setting a course to be managed by Term dates will always clear the start and end date for the course if any were previously included. 

Previously if a course was set to course dates and then changed to term dates, the start and end date set for the course remained in the settings page.


New Quizzes

Concluded Course Grading Message

This feature is used in conjunction with the New Quizzes LTI in Canvas.


A message displays in a quiz if the quiz is no longer gradable.

Change Benefit

This change indicates to instructors when a quiz cannot be graded because the course is closed.

Affected User Roles


When a course is closed and a quiz can no longer be graded, a message displays within the quiz notifying the grader. This message indicates that even if point adjustments or question changes are made to the quiz, the changes will not apply to existing grades.



Rich Content Editor

Editor Persistence


The Rich Content Editor is persistent for users and retains the last-used editor.

Change Benefit

This change helps users return to the same editor that was used the last time it was accessed.

Affected User Roles

All Users

When a user opens the Rich Content Editor to either the Pretty HTML Editor or the HTML Editor, the Editor will perpetually return the user to the last-used editor each time the Editor is opened. This change also persists across additional browser tabs and windows.



Fixed Bugs




Known Issue

The Move-To dialog option only displays in screen readers for users who have permission to move assignments in the course.

Rich Content Editor

Related Idea Conversation

The Pretty Rich Content Editor remembers the user’s cursor location and does not continuously reset to the top of the page. 


Copy To and Course Dates 

Known Issue

Active courses located in a term with a past end date display in the Copy To menu.

Explanation: When an active course was in a term with a past end date, the course would not display in the Copy To menu. Canvas code has been updated to verify the end dates of courses set by course date.


Classic Quiz Multiple Choice Answers and Relative Links

Known Issue

Multiple choice answers in Classic Quizzes open relative links correctly.

Explanation: When a classic quiz contained a multiple choice answer, the answers displayed errors if an answer included a relative link. This behavior caused images to break or required users to log in again. Canvas code has been updated to remove the protocol from URLs and prevent link errors.

Rich Content Editor

File Preview Overlays

Known Issue

Files set with a preview overlay display correctly in courses.

Explanation: When the Preview in Overlay file link was selected in a course, some file links failed to preview the file. However, linked files were downloadable. Canvas code has been updated to correct the authentication verifiers for each file and display previews correctly.


Differentiated Assignments and Due Date Display

SpeedGrader displays the due date for an assignment with only one differentiated section.

Explanation: When differentiated assignments are used in an assignment, and only one section is assigned to complete the assignment with a due date, SpeedGrader did not display a due date. Dates were only displayed when multiple sections were assigned due dates. Canvas code has been updated to display the due date for only one differentiated section.




Deploy Notes Change Log



Added—Interface Updates

  • Assignments: Assignment Enhancements Submission Updates
  • New Quizzes: Concluded Course Grading Message
2021-04-30 Deploy Notes Published


Change Log


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