Actually using the new redesign?

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So our school just launched the redesigned discussion board and what used to take minutes now takes hours.   How is anybody actually using this redesign with anything more than a couple students?

I have classes with 30+ students and hundreds of posts.   If I want to see replies to a student's initial post, I have to click on the reply link for their post.  I get the slide out window from the right, scroll to the bottom, if I continue to scroll, the background discussion board scrolls losing my place.

If I now want to reply to this student, I have to click reply AGAIN and scroll some more, type my reply click reply Again, and if my window isn't big enough, I have to scroll to the top of the slide out window to click X to close it.

Trying doing this for 4+ classes a session with 30+ students and hundreds of posts to read and reply.    

As a software engineer myself, seems like you should off the old way and the new way like Brightspace does.   

I've spoken with numerous professors and adjuncts who find this new interface terrible and a huge time waster with so many clicks.   

So, how are professors actually using this interface productively??

1 Solution
Community Participant

Found a solution. There is a setting in Canvas. Go to Settings>Feature Options>Discussions/Announcements Redesign. Disable and you will be returned to the previous functionality where one doesn't have to click on each reply. Crisis averted! 

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