Discussions redesign - will there be pagination?

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Can someone advise if there will be pagination introduced as part of the discussion redesign?

With the current discussions - we have some forums that have a large volume of threads - and it takes up to 30 seconds for the discussions to load up for users.

This makes the Canvas discussion unuable - unless we constantly archive old content.

For every other discussion forum I know (including some in this community) the answer is to paginate the forum so it only loads the first 10 or 20 threads at a time. This makes it much quicker to load.

Can someone please tell me if this is on the roadmap - or do we need to look for a new solution?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @l_lucas, yes there is pagination in the redesign. Similar to other parts of Canvas, there will be 20 items per page.

Best, Katrina

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