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This new discussion redesign was thrown at us literally overnight with no advance notice. I HATE it! At least we are able to "disable" the feature and continue using the old discussion format. However, I now hear that come January 2022, we will no lo...

  • 15 Replies

Greetings. Thanks for being so responsive to our suggestions!! We often need to instruct students on how to [Subscribe] to Discussions. At present, they can use the small ribbon to the right of the Discussion topic on the Discussions List page. But, ...

Community Explorer
Discussions/Announcements Redesign
  • 0 Replies

How does the new mentions feature work?  What does it do? How is a student made aware of the mention?  Or an instructor? How does this effect notifications?   Additional details can be added here:

  • 8 Replies

Greetings. Please forgive me if this information is available somewhere, but I haven't found it. Is there an estimated timeframe for when this Redesign will move from Beta to Production? And will it be required for all users? Thank you.

  • 3 Replies

It doesn't seem all that intuitive to students having to click on an options menu to find a rubric. Shouldn't these enhancements align with the new assignments enhancements workflow. Where the rubric sits inline on the page. Maybe this is something y...

  • 1 Replies

The August 21 release included "Role Pills -- you will see role labels on Discussion topics and replies for TA roles, Teacher/Instructor roles, and discussion Authors".  We have multiple course roles based on the teacher role, but only users with the...

  • 2 Replies

Requesting a feature that allows the instructor to select and collect specific student's Discussions posts for printing. I'm an Instructional Designer who has received this request from multiple instructors. Blackboard had a feature called collect th...

  • 2 Replies

We have a need to be able to add faculty as discussion facilitators that do not have the Teacher role.  Due to FERPA rules, these individuals do not need access to the Grades or only to the 'group' they're grading, but groups will only allow the addi...

  • 2 Replies

Our teachers want to "moderate" discussions in a different way: they want the ability to mark, pin or feature correct or interesting comments so they are easily visible to all members of the discussion. A lot like how Community has the obvious "Solve...

  • 1 Replies

In the Sept 15 release, a new reply sidebar was added that replaced the unfolding of replies below a topic.  Thumbs down from me.  The flyout takes you out of the flow of the thread and suddenly you have to keep your mind in two places - the flyout a...

  • 24 Replies

This is an issue that I encounter on a daily basis as an Instructional Tech Facilitator who helps teachers and as an Instructor in Canvas. I love how when I reply to a discussion board the ...

  • 4 Replies

In Canvas Announcements, will there ever be a way to prioritize announcements so that the ones that are most important can be "moved" to the top of the list? At this point, the only way to reorganize announcements is to delete and repost. Being able ...

  • 4 Replies

Unsure if this is a known issue or not, but when using Discussions Redesign in a browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome), neither my students nor other instructors are able to see file attachments on the posts. There used to be an icon in the old Discussio...

  • 4 Replies

Can someone advise if there will be pagination introduced as part of the discussion redesign? With the current discussions - we have some forums that have a large volume of threads - and it takes up to 30 seconds for the discussions to load up for us...

  • 2 Replies

I work as an administrator at the university level and hoping to find a solution for our faculty that teach separate cohorts of students taking the same course. They want students to have access to the same modules/assignments AND discussions WITHOUT...

  • 5 Replies

Hey there everyone, I have a policy where students can revise and re-submit for an updated grade. The problem I run into with the old discussions is that I have to manually comb through every discussion to search for new posts after I've graded them....

  • 1 Replies

Has anyone encountered issues with embedding Kaltura videos in discussion replies using the plugin button in the rich content editor menu? We are finding that the selected video does not transfer into the reply content when new discussions are enable...

Community Explorer
Discussions/Announcements Redesign
  • 0 Replies

It appears autosave for discussions doesn't work with the redesign.  It does work with Announcements.  Has anyone else had this experience? Auto-save works in both places with the redesign turned off.

Community Champion
Discussions/Announcements Redesign
  • 0 Replies

Apologies if I missed it here... I have seen and followed the comments about adding Turnitin integration into Canvas Discussions in other places in the community.  I did not see anything here.  We are certainly advocating for the integration of Turni...

  • 52 Replies

With the discussion redesign, can we please ensure that the students and teachers do not need to click refresh to see the new posts / replies? These should show up automatically! This has been raised before here by @mabrams & @stelpstra : https://com...

  • 7 Replies

I found it virtually impossible to post the same announcement to all of my 4 classes.  I literally had to create it 4 times.  I couldn't "copy it to" nor could I save to the commons and put it in announcements (it would let me add it to a module).  I...

  • 2 Replies

1. Please make all the replies on each thread default to showing for everyone.  I look through the Discussion Board to see what I have replied to and what I have not replied to.  I don't always reply right away since I like to see if students will re...

  • 1 Replies

We have a heavily modified theme with custom CSS and JS scoped to the user_content class that has previously appeared consistently on pages, discussions, and assignments wrapping the editor input content. The redesigned discussions do not have that c...

  • 4 Replies

Hi! Just curious: when did the Announcements side of the Discussions / Announcements Redesign beta feature get deployed and announced? I can see that documentation is on the way in late August from the release notes, but I was surprised to see Announ...

  • 1 Replies

Currently, users of a discussion have to refresh the discussion page manually to be able to see new replies to the discussion. More than ever there is a need for online synchronous discussions, similar to all major social media platforms facilitate. ...

  • 1 Replies

We recently trialled the new discussions look but for our tenant the "Edit" button disappears. If we click on the three dots we see an empty rectangle below it. We've decided to go back to the previous look to avoid issues. Anyone else had this issue...

  • 7 Replies

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that in the discussion redesign "students must post before seeing replies" doesn't seem to be working.  The checkbox is still there, but when I view discussions as the test student, I can see all the replies r...

  • 3 Replies

I don't see a way to add a rubric to the Discussion - nor am I able to edit a rubric that is already there because it appears to  display a rubric from a Discussion converted to the new Discussions..  I use rubrics extensively for all my grading. I g...

  • 1 Replies

The new Discussions do not show that a Discussion is a Group Discussion for Instructors. This is how it showed in the present Discussion for Instructors : See This was really useful as an Instructor to immedia...

  • 5 Replies

Hello, i am wondering when it is proposed that the end of life will be for the old discussion? This is useful information early on so we can plan around our design enhancement and change. Since this is not provided per now we have to add it to our pr...

  • 1 Replies