Managing Individual Assets
You can edit the properties of your individual assets.
Opening the Asset Manager
To make changes to individual assets:
1. Select Manage Assets from the Assets menu. On the Manage Assets screen, there is a list of Asset Types.
2. Click Asset Manager next to one of the Asset Types to go to the asset manager screen.
Finding an Asset
On the Asset Manager screen, select an Asset Type [1].
Then you can search for individual IDs or titles of assets [2], or leave the fields empty.
Click Search [3] to see a list of all assets in that type.
Using Advanced Search
Click Advanced Search to search based on all searchable asset properties.
Enter asset properties.
Viewing Assets
Select "List" or "Tree" view to see the assets in a list or in an expandable tree (for hierarchical assets only).
When assets are found, they are listed on the page in the view you selected (below is a "list" view):
Creating a New Asset
To create a new asset, click <<NEW ASSET HERE>> to display properties on the right.
Fill in the appropriate asset properties on the right, and save the asset.
Editing Properties
To edit an asset, click on the asset in the Asset view and make changes in the right side of the screen.
To add data, enter it in the appropriate cell and then click the arrow to the right of that cell.
Then click Update to save the changes or click Delete to remove it.
To align an asset directly, click Align [3]. This opens the Align Assets by Concept page where you can align the asset.