Rubric Enhancements: "View as Student" function does not show descriptions

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We are noticing a recent and concerning nuance related to Rubric Enhancements, which our institution enabled in advance of the Fall 2024 term (which starts on Sunday). Instructors see all relevant details in their rubrics (criterion title, criterion description, level/rating title, level/rating description). Everything looks good to go from their view, such as with this example:

rubric_instructor view2.JPG

However, when they look at their assignment/rubric using the "View as Student" function, non of the descriptions are visible:

rubric_student view.JPG

This can lead to concern/panic as instructors believe that students are unable to see all of the detailed descriptions that make up their rubric.

THANKFULLY, this seems to only be an issue when using the "View as Student" function. When I used one of our test student accounts to confirm what students see (something I can do as an admin, but not something accessible to faculty), I confirmed that *actual* students see the full details:

rubric_student view2.JPG

This is something that desperately needs an immediate fix so that faculty can see the full rubric using "View as Student" (as they could before) rather than just relying on my word that students will be able to see it.


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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This is a known issue that has been resolved and deployed in the beta environment. The fix should be reflected in your production environment shortly.

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