Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview) Discussions

Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview) questions and discussion forum

The possibility of exporting Rubrics is a great new functionality. Unfortunately it is still quite hard for us to use at the moment, because the export only includes the Student Id and Student Name, but not the SIS ID. Is it possible to add the SIS I...

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Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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I've been testing the Enhanced Rubrics feature preview and discovered a significant issue with point values that requires immediate attention. Here is a YouTube video demonstrating the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTW_Qbks4Ho When working w...

  • 1 Replies

When you preview the rubric of an assignment as a teacher (in the assignment) it takes quite some scrolling to view a large rubric: the right part of the rubric isn't visible and you first have to scroll down to use to horizontal scrolling bar to see...

Community Member
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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Multiple Rubrics per assignment has always been the most important rubric improvement for me, and I have been waiting to turn on this feature until this is available. At Instructure New & Next in September 2024, it was reported that multiple rubrics ...

  • 1 Replies

We've noticed that with the enhanced rubrics, when you check the "Use this rubric for assignment grading" option, if the rubric's points don't match the assignment's points, the assignment's points are automatically changed to match those of the rubr...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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In the old rubric design, you could enter the maximum points a student could get for each rubric criteria, and Canvas would automatically indicate the points for each achievement level (rating). This was a very practical feature that was used a lot b...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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The Criterion Description field does not seem to allow special characters, such as &, whereas other fields such as Criterion Name and Rating Description do allow them. Is this a bug or known issue?

  • 1 Replies

When duplicating criteria in an Enhanced Rubric: The heading says "Edit Criterion" and the Criterion Name is exactly the same as the one I'm duplicating....which is a bit misleading and confusing as to whether I'm actually editing a duplicate or the ...

  • 4 Replies

When duplicating an Enhanced Rubric, we are experiencing the following: When you duplicate a rubric which uses a range, the range does not stick and the duplicated rubric only has single number scores.When you duplicate a rubric that is in Draft, the...

  • 1 Replies

I see in the new rubrics on assignments, it still defaults to the first course in your list alphabetically every time you click "find rubric." Please find a way to make this default to the current course. Or, if I'm wrong and it's more common to pull...

  • 3 Replies

I'm looking for some clarification on the following UI aspects of Enhanced Rubrics: What is the Location Used column's purpose. What options can be displayed in that column and what problem is it trying to solve? So far I've only seen "courses and as...

  • 1 Replies

Will discussions and quizzes be getting the new rubrics soon? having it on assignments is great, but will be confusing for teachers to run into the old interface in those 2 other places. 

  • 7 Replies

In the new rubrics on assignments, once a rubric is set on an assignment, there is no longer a way to get back to "find rubric" to choose a different one without deleting the one you selected first.  This wouldn't be a problem, except if this is the ...

  • 8 Replies

With the most recent update to Enhanced Rubrics, we can now check the "use rubric for assignment grading" option at the rubric level instead of the assignment level. This is amazing!!!  When testing out the feature though, I noticed there's a slight ...

  • 3 Replies

With the most recent update to Enhanced Rubrics, if you try to remove a rubric from an assignment using the trash can icon, it actually deletes the rubric from the entire course. With "old" rubrics, deleting the rubric from the assignment only remove...

  • 5 Replies

The Enhanced Rubric creator definitely wants users to move to creating and managing rubrics in the Rubrics tool. Previously, we have taught this as part of the assignment creation process instead of as a separate area in Canvas. It works as intended,...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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We get more questions from faculty/support tickets about why a score from a rubric isn't automatically showing up in Speedgrader once a rubric is complete and saved then anything else about rubrics.  Please consider having the checkbox options under ...

  • 1 Replies

We recently turned on Enhanced Rubrics for our institution, and while the rubric creation workflow has been very well received as a much-improved experience, we have received some feedback on the SpeedGrader workflow for Enhanced Rubrics. Some of the...

  • 2 Replies

My institution has a recommendation regarding  the “Leaving Editor Warning” update that was released in December 2024: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Canvas-Deploy-Notes-2024-12-04/ta-p/627071#toc-hId--1869259963 While the tool wo...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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Is there a way to add more than 5 ratings to the enhanced rubrics? Many of our rubrics have more than 5 ratings, which limits the specificity we can provide our students.

  • 7 Replies

Hello! We are testing Enhanced Rubrics in Beta and keep getting "An error occurred while importing rubrics" when attempting to import using a csv file. Has anyone encountered something similar? Thank you!

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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Hi, I posted in the Canvas Ideas section, but also wanted to bring this up in this group specifically.  We had one of our instructors try out enhanced rubrics and noticed it was missing one major functionality that traditional rubrics had.  In tradit...

Community Participant
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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I'm an instructor that is trying to convince the admin to enable Enhanced Rubrics for all of us, but he cannot find how to enable them. Where and how is he supposed to navigate to turn them on?

  • 1 Replies

We have Enhanced Rubrics turned on for our instance. I have rubrics created at the subaccount level. I am not able to pull those rubrics into a course in that subaccount.  For Example- I have the Subaccount "Academic Support", I have created 2 rubric...

  • 1 Replies

Problem: As of this morning, rubrik grading has the submit button on the right (It has always been on the left).  This is a major step backward in design.  When grading on just about any size screen the discussion post is on the left and the rubrik i...

  • 9 Replies

Hi, My name is Shaun and I work at Rowan University. I've been a Cavnas admin (technically the first ever in NJ) for quite a while. I've been keeping an eye on the updates coming to Rubrics and I have a very odd feature request/questions.  This makes...

Community Contributor
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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My university has turned on Enhanced Rubrics in our test environment and I've been testing the features.  One issue that I have found is the Duplicate option does not duplicate the Outcome settings.  We use Outcomes for assessment purposes and most o...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, @James outlined the issue wonderfully, but I just want to add to the feedback. At our university we are in the beginning stages of testing out the Enhanced Rubrics. One aspect of the feature update that immediately raised a cause for concern i...

  • 2 Replies

I have two ancient rubrics that were created at the school level that I cannot archive or delete.  They both were created over 10 years ago, and we haven't used them in ages, but the concluded classes that used them are still there. Archiving gets th...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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We haven't enabled the rubric enhancements feature yet at our institution. We were planning to do it January 1, 2025, which is in between our Fall and Spring semester.  Do you know when the enhancement feature is going to be turned on for ALL Canvas ...

Community Explorer
Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview)
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