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Canvas Free for Teacher

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Hi Everyone

I am excited to try this Free for Teacher LMS. 

My question is:

  • Can you import Question banks from compatible textbooks in Free for Teacher or is it a paid feature?

Thank you

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @WayneDixon,

There should not be any issues with importing questions banks into Canvas course shells in "Free for Teachers".

I would recommend two resources for you:

  1. the "Course Import Tool" section of the Canvas Instructor Guide
  2. the "Canvas Account Comparison" table (this shows differences between "Paid Canvas" and "Free for Teachers")


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Hi @WayneDixon,

When in Canvas FFT and in a Canvas course, click on "Settings" the left-side course navigation and then on the right-side click on "Import Course Content". Below are some screenshots from a brand-new FFT course I created today.

2024-11-13 FFT 001.png

2024-11-13 FFT 002.png

2024-11-13 FFT 003.png

When clicking on the "Content Type" dropdown, the exact option to use will vary depending on the textbook publisher and the question bank but in most (but not all) situations you will use either "QTI .zip file" or "Canvas Course Export Package".

Does that help you?


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