Don't want a join code

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I have been enrolling people for many years as Free for Teacher. Today for the first time, a student was asked for a join code. I do not have this ticked in the course settings, and I don't want them to have to use a join code.  Any solution for this?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @katherine_walke 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with adding a user to a FFT course. There are really only two options to get users to join a FFT course - you enroll them manually via the "people" tab as you have down or you enable the self sign up option in course settings. If you do not want to enable that (understandable) then you need to ask the users for their information and add them manually. There is one last option and that would be to make your course completely public, but likely you don't want to do that either and you'd need to ask Canvas to make that change for you. You can contact them this way: How do I contact Canvas Support? - Instructure Community   

Hopefully this helps. 

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