Sometimes I Make Me Laugh

Community Contributor

So I just headed over to the "Answers" area. This came after spending several minutes on the home page typing a plethora of variations into the search engine, with no results to answer my predicament.

I began asking my question to you luminaries, far and wide (no, that's not a fat joke). I began providing screenshots, workflow issues, and carefully formulating my query as to why Canvas didn't know what I wanted it to do.

I am sincerely glad I went to such lengths, because as I tried to ever-so-thoroughly build my case, I solved my own problem  :smileysilly:

Community Champion

Loving the self teaching  @lturner2 

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @lturner2 , don’t leave us in suspense!! What was the issue and what did you do to solve it?!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I have done this! (Too many times to recount.)

Community Contributor

Train the trainer?!!

Community Contributor

Hey  @kona , I had really thought about mentioning it in my post but I chickened

Ok, so from inside a course, I couldn't figure out how to move specific content between courses without downloading it and uploading it to its new home...without using my computer. One also doesn't have access to the profile Files area from within a course Files area. Not that it's complicated, but I have realized that I didn't like the micromanagement, and recently I had a few large video files and just had to sit there watching it, henceforth the beginning of my quest.

THEN I realized that if I were to operate primarily from my profile Files area, I have access to all the courses that I'm enrolled in (that's the only consideration, and more simple to adjust) and can move specific content very easily. MUCH EASIER!!!  lol  My life is complete Smiley Happy

Community Contributor

...right???  Smiley Wink

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @lturner2 , nice work around! The only other thing I can think of is this - How do I select specific content as part of a course import? OR if you put your content in Canvas Commons you can easily share between your own courses - 

Community Champion

Weekly I will have faculty call me with a question and as soon as I answer the phone or they ask me the question they say, "Never mind, I remember now" and I always tell them they really just wanted to hear my lovely voice! Smiley Happy

Community Coach
Community Coach

So. Many. Times....

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Community Champion

I had no idea it was a 'thing'  @dlyons . But I might have to borrow the concept.

Community Novice

 @myerdon01 ‌ Me too! If I don't answer my email or phone messages right away it gives them time to figure it out. Sometimes, time is all they really need and knowing we are there in case that doesn't work!

Community Participant

I usually do what Kona suggest (move specific content), but I had been wondering about whether it would work if I did what you suggest Larry.

So, thanks for sharing because you added another weapon to my arsenal (because at this point in the semester it is not about tools and toolboxes, its much more martial in nature!).

Thank you!

Community Participant

As my Dad (also a prof) used to say, "I resemble that remark!" or in this case..."I, too, resemble that remark!"