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Hello,You can use Commons for yourself and for groups. I am trying to share with our faculty the pros and cons of using Commons vs. other methods of sharing content. Why would they use Commons for themselves and not simply Copy to from one course to ...

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We are working on a pilot project to use eBooks/eTextbooks and possible use of publisher content for select courses at WCU during the Spring 2023 semester.  If anyone is using the LTI to integrate the use of these eBooks and publisher content through...

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So, Turnitin has purchased a competitor to remove it from the field once again.  Unicheck will be discontinued.   Are there any other Unicheck users out there?  What are your plans moving forward?  Are there new plagiarism checkers out there?   Is an...

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Howdy all.I am trying to run a Canvas Report on "User course Access" but have found what I believe is a bug.In the report I am asked to set a date to start the report from. I select Jan 1st 2022.And yet, when I run the report it will ONLY give me dat...

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We are considering standardizing some of the job titles for members of our Learning Systems team. Right now, we have a Project Managers, Application Programmer Analysts, and Academic Consultants. Yet, all three positions are really the systems admini...

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I need the ability to "weigh all assignments in a group the same" so that assignments with different point values all have the same weight.I cannot design all my assignments to have the same point value. This would mean they all use the same or simil...

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Have you checked out docReader, ReadSpeaker 's newest offering for our certified Canvas integration? Everyone has PDFs and EPUBs they need read, so how are you making them accessible? Check out thisshort video showing docReader in action!

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Hello everyone,To highlight effective strategies for inclusive learning, we’re organizing a free webinar together with the Foundation for California Community Colleges, “Creating Equitable and Inclusive Learning Environments”, on Wednesday, December ...

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Hi,We would like to know of schools that have implemented Ellucian ILP 5 SaaS and how their grade passback has been working.   We have a current Ellucian support case being worked on for grading in courses with pass/fail students since they are faili...

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Hello everyone,I would like to invite you to our free webinar, “Growing Student Success Through Learner-Centered Course Design”, on Wednesday, November 9th at 11 AM ET.Together with Marnie Roestel, Associate Director of Learning System Support at Cen...

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Did you Know? ReadSpeaker's docReader for Canvas helps support executive function and self-regulation skills. This skill development is valuable in both K12 and HE.Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us ...

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I am one of the Canvas admins at my school. We have been using Zoom for our hybrid courses where some students are in the classroom and others online. However, since we already have a Microsoft 365 education license we are strongly considering using ...

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Read your Canvas documents while providing study, focus and accommodation tools! Watch the video to see it in action!

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That's right!  ReadSpeaker has furthered their Canvas integration offerings by now adding docReader INSIDE the Canvas environment!  Contact us for more information on pricing and how to add this product to your ReadSpeaker Learning Suite!photo of can...

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Looking for some feedback on the Teams Meetings LTI. We recently circled back to it after updates were made that allow channel meetings to be scheduled/show on the Canvas side of things. We noticed that channel meetings created in Canvas show up in b...

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Free Webinar! Are you new to text to speech? Not really sure the benefits? Or maybe you are new to using ReadSpeaker and have a few questions. Regardless of your level of understanding, join us for a free webinar where you can literally ask us anythi...

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The ILP 5 Grading LTI page allows you to exclude showing "Last Activity Date".  We also do not use "Extension Date" but there is no option to leave this column off the page.  Has anyone figured out how to hide this column? We would appreciate voting ...

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I'm looking to integrate Canva inside Canvas. What kinds of assignments can be delivered using this tool?Any assistance you may have would be most appreciated, thank you.

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Would like to connect with others using Harmonize as opposed to other tools available such as teams? Thank you.

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As the student population continues to become more diverse, it's important to meet learners where they are. Second language learners or those who may fall into a group generally referred to as underserved may need extra assistance with consuming cour...

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I have worked as an instructional designer at several universities. Administration of Canvas falls under IT and for legitimate security reasons, IT places access restrictions on users. At every university I’ve worked up until now, I have been given w...

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Hi all,I found this elearning course development calculator, would like your thoughts on the time its saying it will take to design elearning courses, just seems a bit excessive to me

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I have been doing course enrollments for a course on a weekly basis for the last couple of years via the SIS import tool. Today I began getting errors when I click for the SIS import to begin. Apparently the issue is with my file because the error ap...

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Hello,I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to find the contact information for for my customer success manager/canvas support rep? (not sure which title is correct)I'm an admin for our college following a series of staffing changes and this inform...

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Did you know? A 2021 study by Bruno et al. found that postsecondary students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) improved reading comprehension scores significantly after receiving direct instruction on use of text-to-speech. Read ...

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We’re getting reading to roll out Microsoft Teams, which is super exciting as the LTIs seem very useful. Has your higher ed institution deployed any of the Microsoft LTI’s yet? If so, I’d really like to hear about your experiences! Here’s a few quest...

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With teacher shortages and some instructors still using paper/pencil tests, there's a better and more efficient way to deliver tests for those learners needing accommodations.Check out this video to see it in action!

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Is anyone using CopyLeaks?  We are looking at the product and would love to hear about your insights.

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Hi! Let's talk confetti. For those using the feature for confetti displaying when an assignment is submitted on time, what is your rationale for enabling this feature? Do you find it has an impact on student learning in a positive way? What benefits ...

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Reading questions in new quizzes have lots of people's a video on how you can use our TextAid extension to read new quizzes in Canvas! 

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