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The global media is reporting a major vulnerability or security risk within Java operating systems called Apache Log4j or Log4j. So, what does this mean if you are a ReadSpeaker user? Well, good news--NONE of the ReadSpeaker products contain or use ...

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Hello Everyone, There was an update to Chrome in the last couple day's that is causing issues with our Canvas system. What students are reporting is that when accessing class assignments that link to a 3rd party LTI tool, the link is missing. We've b...

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Did you know that ReadSpeaker can read New Quizzes using our TextAid extension?  Watch this video to see it in action! Not sure if your institution has a TextAid license? Contact us for more info on adding this product to your ReadSpeaker Suite of Le...

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I have found myself lately going to the commons to find generic rubrics to important from the Canvas Commons. Unfortunately, this filter doesn't exist in the commons, does anyone have a process they follow to important rubrics from the Commons? I'd t...

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Hi, I am trying to add some info to the training I am creating for students on how to use 'Folio' which is the free version in the account profile. I seem to not be able to find any video or guides on that, only on pathways and portfolium or eportfol...

  • 6 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm seeking your wisdom on a few Catalog aspects. Question 1: Can the enrolment process be streamlined or bypassed in anyway? The current Catalog enrolment process, is five (5) steps between finding a 'course' and getting to the Canvas s...

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October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, and I want to take a moment to highlight ReadSpeaker's open dyslexic font. Check out this quick video that shows you how to change your font settings when utilizing the ReadSpeaker tools. You can also read a blo...

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Let's talk a little bit about how instructors can address both disclosed and undisclosed learners. ReadSpeaker is a champion of the Universal Design of Learning, which advocates the presentation of information through a variety of means in order to r...

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My colleague has come up with a brilliant way to have the student-community essentially self-grade their own proofs in a math course; however, his system involves a new discussion post for each problem number.  These then need to be pinned to organiz...

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Does Canvas have the ability to or partner with someone who has a tool for an instructor to conduct on-the-spot surveys with the students via their phones or an online portal.  I am looking at a tool called

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Last week I shared how ReadSpeaker can read quizzes and assessments, so let's go one step further and talk about proctoring! Many institutions use some sort of proctoring solution and one worry they may have is how different 3rd party applications wo...

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Hi All, Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!  I have been meaning to post something about this for a while in the community, but I wanted to share some of the issues we've been having with Instructure rolling out more granular permissions.  ...

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Hello, can someone help me figure out how to add a link to a Canvas course to another Canvas course.  We have two courses that should be taken sequentially and I want to add the link to the other course in the home page but couldn't figure out how to...

  • 1 Replies

Classes have started and you've worked hard to provide your students with the tools they need to succeed, but have you thought about how you can make your assessments accessible? Watch this video on how ReadSpeaker reads quizzes and assessments!

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Hi! This is an invitation for anyone who is new in Canvas or New Quizzes to join us on September 30th at 15:30 to 17:00 hours (CLT) to participate in the active webinar Refresca tus cuestionarios en Canvas: Herramienta Nuevos Cuestionarios. This is a...

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We are incredibly disappointed with our current evaluation system and are shopping around for another.  I noticed that the Edu AppCenter has a tool – CourseEvalHQ.   I was wondering if you knew abou...

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FREE webinar!! September 14, 2021 at 2PM EST Compliance or Complacency: Are your students able to thrive or just survive? Just checking the accessibility box isn't enough to ensure you are providing the right tools for ALL learners. Faced with audit...

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We've made it easy for you to get the most out of your ReadSpeaker TTS and accessibility tools!  Check out this YouTube playlist that covers not only the basics but also takes a deeper dive into each tool.  Have additional questions? Feel free to ema...

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I know how to import a SCORM package into a Canvas course but what if a person loses their source course and only has the SCORM package thats in the Canvas course. Is ther a way to download it from Canvas?

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I was wondering if anyone in the UK is using any Apprenticeship Management Tools with Canvas? I would love to connect with you to hear how you've done  this, if it's integrated, and what the student experience is like. Many thanks

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Dear Canvas Hivemind, I teach a university level lecture class using Canvas, and created the course from my previous year's content. I had created a quiz question bank last year with the intent of reusing the questions from year to year. So I'm attem...

  • 9 Replies

I just started using the video-based quizzes with Canvas Studio. I added a quiz to a video that I added to Canvas Studio. I launched this for students to take, but now I found that they can just keep retaking the quiz until they get 100%. Any way to ...

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I recently meet with my University's Academic Services for Student-Athletes and they were so very excited about what this simple role and app could offer them. They then asked, "do you know if anyone else is doing this?"I had to say, "no, but I have ...

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Would folks, pretty please, share/link the most successful parts of their faculty development programs relating to Canvas?Ideally, as our faculty transition from D2L into Canvas, I'd like to figure out how to successfully encourage them to super-char...

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Myself as well as many other students use Carmen at Veterinary School and find our schedules packed and constantly trying to multitask or are forced to work offline. The lecture captures should be downloadable by students to play back with or without...

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I teach two sections of the same course. I want to set up one conference using BigBlueButton and invite both classes.  The only choice I am getting when I want to invite students are the students in the class I am logged into on Canvas when I set up ...

  • 6 Replies

Are any of you using this program/ It would be great to have it linked to Canvas.

Community Novice
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I'm looking in the Guides and not finding an answer, so throwing this out to the group:Is there a way to embed text in outgoing email sent from Canvas? I see the ways to set my preferred email address within my profile, but can't see anything about a...

  • 3 Replies

I am a newbie with Canvas so this is an elementary question. If I want to give my quizzes/tests as paper/pencil in class, how can I enter that grade in the Canvas gradebook?  I have searched for an answer in the guides but haven't found anything for ...

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