Add a New Status Category for controlling access to work


Maybe there could be a new status category for the assignments.  The current categories are: "None," "Late," "Missing," "Excused," AND the new one could be "Limited Access."   

If there was a new category I could go into the assignment (through gradebook) and turn on or off the "Limited Access" button which would either give the student access to the assignment or not have access.   

This would allow me to "assign" the work to everyone.  But still be able to turn off access for some students who need to meet other requirements before they do the assignment. 

I am not too attached to the name "Limited Access."  You can call it something else. 


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @starrd -

This sounds very similar to Module Requirements! I know it's outside of the gradebook, but you can assign things to everyone and yet set benchmarks for students to meet before they can progress through activities. Would that work for you?

How do I add a module? 

How do I add requirements to a module? 

Community Member

Hi @KristinL 

This might work.  But the only "benchmarks" that I have used in Modules is "prerequisites" which include Modules.  Or the add "requirements."  But those are things that they can do through Canvas without me.  How can I have control of when the students can access the work?  

I would be happy to talk on the phone about this too. 


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @starrd -

Availability dates could help too, and they'd be a great addition to the requirements for individual items in a module (sequential or not)! These can be added to any assignment, quiz, or discussion.

What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates? 

Community Member

Hi @KristinL 

The issue that I am trying to address is that I want to be able to control individual students' access to work.  Most of my students can move through the work independently.  A few students need to meet with me before they should attempt the assignments/quizzes.  

So I want to "assign" to "everyone" which makes integration with our SIS very smooth, but I want to limit access for the individual students.  

The "availability" dates does not meet my need for controlling access to the work.  

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

HI @KristinL 

I see you changed the status to "open."  What does this mean?  

How do I get this idea into the "voting" stage so that other people can help make this known as something that will be helpful to other people and let the developers know that we need this.  



Community Team
Community Team

Hi @starrd -

"Open" means that the idea/thread is open for conversation and rating. There isn't a voting process, technically. The quality of the conversation and the rating (average stars) helps the Project Managers and Engineers identify which features are added to future projects.

How do idea conversations work in the Instructure Community? 

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.