Assignment: Allow Studio Submissions only


An option that would allow for a "Studio" Submission type.
Now we have to select "File Uploads" to allow for Studio submissions, but the students are then also allowed to upload video files...
We want to only allow Studio Submissions, for easiers speedgrading (because video file uploads dont have preview).


So it would be great to only have the Studio Tab when submitting an assignment and remove the other tabs. Maybe by restricting the upload of file types tagged "studio"?


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Novice

Would be great and would save teachers a great deal of time!

Community Novice

Nice proposal!

I have also experience with some confused 1st year students on this issue.

Community Novice

Nice idea, students were indeed confused by this.

Community Contributor

Great idea. It would make it much more clear if Canvas Studio was the only option.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Yes please!!  It's a definite desire on our end as well.  

Community Novice

I'd definitely use this! In large courses, having to download files to grade them is really problematic.

Community Novice

+1 from us too.

Community Participant

This would be great! It is frustrating that other options are given as middle school students often do not listen to/follow directions and will choose the other file options despite being given explicit instructions to use Studio to create their video and submit it correctly. Please give the option to limit file uploads to just Canvas Studio. Thanks!!

Community Member

Canvas Studio submissions work great in speed grader!   Please turn off the other options so we can take advantage of this feature. 

Community Participant

I literally came here to find out how to do this. Please implement this feature!

Not applicable

I agree, saves time in speed grader and the live comments are a blessing when giving feedback

Community Coach
Community Coach

Still very interested in this option, especially as more accounts jump on Studio!

Community Member

As a Video Production teacher, this will save time because students won't be wasting days not realizing they turned it in wrong. It will also save the extra time it takes me to go out of the browser to find the video and double check it's the correct one and go back and forth with the rubric when attempting to grade the video.

Community Explorer

Yes, please! This would save so much fuss with students uploading a mp4 and the teacher needing to download it.

Community Member

This is a real need. I have created an account here just to talk about the need for this feature. We have to put detailed videos into our upload pages to show students how they MUST submit. It would be much cleaner if the option could be 'dialled in' by the teacher beforehand which leaves the guesswork out of it for students.

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.