Desmos Classroom Activity LTI


Desmos classroom activities are amazing ways for educators to help their students connect mathematical ideas and concepts into reality, and allow them to manipulate data and visualize the concepts that they are learning. Desmos Activities are a great way to host interactive notes in the classroom as well as a fun way to make cardsort or graph based assignments. 


It would be incredible if Desmos Classroom Activities was a LTI partner where teachers could assign an activity to a canvas class, and have the students log in only with canvas, submit the assignment, and then have it show up on teachers SpeedGrader tool. This would also give students the ability to complete & come back to their work in a Desmos activity without having to leave the canvas site or sign in with google. 

Community Member

My math students use Desmos every day.  I would love for them to have easy access through Canvas.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I agree with everyone. We use a lot of Desmos activities and it would be great if there was an LTI. 

Community Explorer

Yes please!

Community Novice

I notice this thread hasn't had a post since September 2020; and now, in April, it may seem late for distance learning purposes to upvote this.  However, as we reflect on what we've learned from remote teaching and learning over the last year, the integration with Canvas is something that our department and likely others in our large district (6 comprehensive high schools) would keep using moving forward past the pandemic.  Please make this happen - that would be awesome!

Community Member

Yes!!!!!! I would love this as I have been using Desmos activities that I find and have created some that I would love to be able to grade from Canvas and have my students access it from Canvas.  As mentioned before both the activities and the graphing calculator would be great but the graphing calculator is not usually a graded assignment and my activities are graded for completion.


Community Member


I might be able to help! Happy to present an option to Desmos (that I + my colleague here in Austin, Texas, built!). It integrates (sso + rostering + grade passback + assignment integration) learning platforms like Desmos with Canvas. And getting Desmos squared away would take like 1/10th of the time/cash they'd need to build the integration on their own. 

I can show you the integration, with a sample learning platform + Canvas, if you'd want. Then if you like it, happy to approach Desmos about it as an option. Your blessing as an end-user would def make the conversation go faster, as you can imagine, hah. 


---I would love to see how you are making this work!  Thanks!

Community Participant

Yes please! The current workaround is so tedious, and has to be completed for each individual section if you don't want to look at all of your students at the same time. If students names are not entered manually, there's the issue of students not following directions when entering their own name. Also, each section needs a different assignment link. (I post assignments in Unit pages.) And then the process of entering all the grades manually. If not for the excellent activities I have I would bother with it. As it is now, I barely use Desmos because of the tediousness.

Community Member

Please, please support canvas integration. I can work with my district IT team to install the desmos app in canvas once it exists. 

Thank you!

Community Explorer

Any updates?

Community Explorer

Any updates?

Community Novice

Want to keep this idea going - this would be incredibly helpful for students and their teachers!  Any updates on a Desmos Classroom - Canvas LTI integration?

Community Member

I agree! This will be my first year using Canvas, and it would be great to have the Desmos Activity Builder integrated.

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.