

Embedding a video from Google Drive into an assignment does not function.

The thumbnail is there. 

When you click play, the player acts as if it is loading, and then stops.

Video player is now stuck with a black screen and a red/white play button in the middle of the player.

The only way to view the embedded video now is to click the "open in a new window" icon. 


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

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Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @jamstutz1 -

I have collaborated with a few Instructure Employees, and we feel that the best next step would be to contact Canvas Support so they can take a closer look at your embed icon and how it displays for students. One other question to be prepared to answer for Support: are they using a mobile app, or are they using a laptop/desktop? (Studio content does something similar)


How do I contact Canvas Support? 

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @jamstutz1 -

I found an idea that may capture what you're trying to describe -- if you're using mobile! Let the Community know if this matches your request!

Canvas Studio Videos should be embedded in the App (not point to an external link) 

Community Team
Community Team

Hi! We know life can get busy, yet if we don't hear from you by February 24th, we will archive this thread so we can better focus on current requests.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived