Hide grade columns for teacher gradebook

As a teacher, I would like to be able to hide gradebook columns in my gradebook after I have completed grading or if the assignment has not yet been assigned.  This would shorten the length of the gradebook that I need to currently scroll across to get to the most recent assignments to grade and limit the potential for accidentally clicking on a cell and changing the grade while navigating.  I know that I can resize the columns individually, but I want to be able to hide or collapse the columns and get them back, if necessary.  There is currently a suggestion for hiding grade columns from students open for voting, which is a different type of request.  My same suggestion was recently made by Letty but archived as being the same as the request to hide grade columns from students, which is not the same thing.  Richard has also suggested hiding the grade columns as part of a multiple issue request.
Community Contributor

When using Microsoft Excel, we have the ability to hide data that is there but the data is kept and we don't delete.  We have many assignments in the Canvas Instructor Gradebook that don't need to be seen on a daily basis; for example, daily Attendance and Class Participation.  Is there any way that a feature could be added with the option to temporarily hide columns in the instructor's gradebook?

Community Member

Like using other "spreadsheets" applications, it's possible to "hide" columns in order to focus on specific information. It would be great to be able to select an assignment column and hide it as well as a place to toggle it back. I could highlight certain assignments that take up room and hide them away. Or even an option to "hide past assignments" after they've passed their due date. I guess even a "hide upcoming assignments" too. You never know when that could come in handy.


Community Member

I also want to request the ability to hide grade books columns as we could in another LMS.  We use a third-party tool for assignments that imports everything into Canvas as an "Assignment" and then deep-links to the Canvas Gradebook. The problem is that everything including book chapters, practice assignments, exam practices, etc import as assignments. These elements should not have a grade in the grade book, but there is no way to have them in Canvas as anything other than assignments.

It confuses the student to see these in the grade book, as they think there is something they need to "Do" when there is not. I currently assign them to an assignment category with a zero weight, but it would be better if they did not show in the grade book AT ALL. Either give us hidden grade book columns OR the ability to "Not Show an assignment in the grade book" in the assignment details.

Community Member

Please consider allowing teachers to hide columns in the gradebook for assignments that are worth 0 points. The gradebook quickly becomes bloated and a significant amount of unnecessary scrolling, so a feature in the Assignments section or the Gradebook itself that allows assignments to be hidden that are either not begin submitted or are submitted for feedback only rather than being scores would be extremely useful!

Community Explorer

Why does Canvas not allow you to create a dropbox that doesn't appear in the gradebook? This feature is in every other LMS I've used (D2L, Angel, Blackboard) and is incredibly useful for discussions and workshopping ideas in-progress. At present, my gradebooks are cluttered, which confuses students.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community!

The Product Team reviewed all feature proposals recently, and unfortunately, this thread was identified as one that they would not be able to include in their current or future plans. While we appreciate your proposal, we also want to be transparent about the likelihood of something like this making it to production.

Thank you for collaborating, and we hope that you submit another idea in the future!