Link Removal with NEW RCE


It would be nice to have link removal as an option in the Link Options pop-up (see image below).   

Once the Link is deleted, the option to "Save" or mark as "Done" is unavailable.



Priority: RCERelease Notes: Canvas LMS User Group: Assignment Workflow Improvements (NEW) Rich Content Editor Enhancements Canvas User Engagement 

Deactivated user


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Participant

To provide more details on this Link Removal Feature Request:

The New RCE removes the Link Removal Button and reduces Link Removal features such as the option to remove the link via the Insert Link (Ctrl+k) feature. 

As pictured above, though the new RCE does maintain the Insert Link feature, the ability to remove the link and save is no longer an option(the Done button is grayed).

Though you can still remove the link with the pop-up Remove Link from the menu, this is a specific of the feature that was available and is no longer with the update.

Current in Canvas


Link Removal Button 



Insert Link Feature(ctrl+k)

(You can delete the link and select the "Ok" button, thus having the ability to remove the link an additional way.)




Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Removing links is most easily done using the "Remove Link" option when selecting a link, as seen in the screenshot below. It's possible this was a bug at the time this feature idea was created but this idea was never updated. Sorry about that!


Screenshot 2022-03-29 161724.png

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived