Multiple Versions of a Quiz


Many high schools and higher learning instructors have multiple classes that complete the same curriculum or text. I'd like there to be a feature where I could create multiple versions of an assessment - but each class that I teach sees a different version.  Perhaps Class A gets the question for version 1; Class B gets version 2; and Class C gets version 3.  Basically, how can my 3rd-period class get a different quiz question from my 4th and 5th periods? 

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You can currently build multiple quizzes (version 1, 2, 3, etc) and then assign them to a specific section. In the gradebook and Quiz list, you will see the different versions, but each section will only see the one that you provide for them. How do I assign a quiz to a course section? 

This flexibility could be nice because you could also pull from question/item banks and randomize the questions within each section as well.

Would this work for your classes?

Community Member

Hi @KristinL 

Thank you for your suggestion, but this isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I understand I can create multiple quizzes and then assign them to different sections of my courses.  This is NOT what I want to do.  If I build multiple quizzes and then give them to different sections, my own grade book and assignments would become a cluttered mess.  

What I want is to build ONE quiz with 3 different questions.  I want there to be an option (a check box?) that would allow me to give "different questions to different sections".  I can't imagine the programming of something like this would be too terribly difficult considering many other online platforms do something similar. We already have the option to scramble the questions and answer choices within a quiz.  Now, I just need one more option to give a different question to different sections (class periods) of the same course.

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Status changed to: Open
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Status changed to: Archived

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community!

The Product Team reviewed all feature proposals recently, and unfortunately, this thread was identified as one that they would not be able to include in their current or future plans. While we appreciate your proposal, we also want to be transparent about the likelihood of something like this making it to production.

Thank you for collaborating, and we hope that you submit another idea in the future!