Possibility to select your group when sending group projects


When a teacher is posting an assignment, they could pick whether it's a group project or not.

If it is, when the students are sending it we should have the choice to select our group mates (or not, during online classes a lot of people are doing work by themselves) amongst our classmates. That way, when one of us sends it, we all get it checked in the "to do list" and the grades are the same.

Community Champion


An instructor can choose whether an assignment is a group assignment and whether to assign grades individually.

In some sense, what you're asking for is already possible. That makes me wonder if you are part of a student-created group.

If the groups are student-selected (you pick who is on your team rather than the instructor choosing), then groups cannot be used for group projects.

The notes at the top of the How do I allow students to create their own student groups? lesson in the Canvas Instructor Guide explains more about student-created groups:

You can allow students to create their own student groups in your course. Groups created by students cannot be used to assign group projects. Students can be a member of more than one student group. Students can create students groups to create study groups, collaborate on projects, host discussions, and schedule meetings and conferences.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


@James has given you excellent context about how group assignments function in Canvas (thanks, James!) In addition, idea conversations framed around problem statements that are similar to yours are currently underway at  Allow students to create Project Groups and  Allow Students to Add/Tag Teammates on an Group As... . Please add your support and comments to the existing ideas; we'll archive this one to keep the other threads from branching off.
