Submission Comment Notification


It would be great if there’s page on the Dashboard for “Submission Comment Notification”.

The notification we get through emails is inefficient because we have to manually track down where that is in Canvas.  And the push notification on tablet/phone is not idea either because it pops up a tiny window when we click on it instead of taking us to a full view of the assignment in the app.  Plus, push notification disappear and if we accidentally clear it and they can’t be found afterward.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant

I have 4 faculty asking for Submission comment Notifications to go to their Canvas mailboxes as a new message (not to a separate external or institutional email address, and not as a separate 'submission comments' tab in Inbox that one has to click, as are currently the case).  They want the notifications to be sent to their Canvas mail inbox so that they stay with their Canvas instance but can be scrolled through with other mail there. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@atuominen Your faculty might be interested in adding their support to this long-standing idea: Submission comments appear in Inbox indicator - Canvas Community 

Community Member

I too have thought that it would be really helpful for "submission comments" to be part of the Dashboard.  The notifications are hidden within the inbox under a drop-down menu.

Using submission comments to communicate with a student is an extremely useful tool, but falls flat when the teacher doesn't see the comments from students at the moment.  As a new Canvas user, I was not aware that the "submission comments" did not get flagged the same way as a resubmitted assignment.  There was a lot of miscommunication about the best way to address questions about grades and assignments because I didn't see the submission comments early on. 

Manually checking submission comments from a different screen leads to lost opportunities for communication between teachers and students.  The task of remembering to check a notification that isn't visible is out of sight and out of mind.  

Submission comments are related to grading and need to be treated the same way.  

Community Member

I also would like to see this happen.  As the instructor, I need to know if a new comment has been made by a student so that I can respond to them in a timely manner. Waiting for daily email notifications is not useful. 


Community Member

I'm all for this as well.  Something on the dashboard would be that it's visible after the push notification or the email has been read...we can't always get to it right away...but once we look at it...

Community Explorer

Yes please!  This would make it so much easier to see student response and INCREASE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT!

Community Member

Adding my support for this feature. With large numbers of students it is not feasible to scroll through every assignment to see which ones have new student comments (or responses to my comments). This is so important to help students improve on work.

Community Explorer

Agreed. The emails are too much. The app notifications all disappear when you click on one of them, so you loose any you don't write down or screen shot, and then you have to track them all down. Make a dashboard section for submission comments and separate them by person and assignment.

Community Member

I frequently leave comments on my student's assignments.  It's only natural for those students to reply by leaving another comment.  Unfortunately, Canvas doesn't notify me in a convenient way when students leave these comments.  I can set up email notifications, but this is cumbersome.  I love how Canvas notifies me about what I need to grade right on the dashboard.  It would be wonderful for it to notify me of student comments on their submissions in the very same spot.  Can we make this happen?? 

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.