allow bulk download of assignment and upload of grade with comments from a csv file


Blackboard allowed me to download a particular assignment and then upload the grade for that assignment including my comments.  It would greatly assist me to have the same functionality in Canvas

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating


Thanks for sharing this idea. Have you downloaded the submissions in bulk using the instructions in  How do I download all student submissions for an a...  ? Once you've finished annotating the assignments offline, you can re-upload the files:  How do I upload all student submissions for an ass... -

Please let us know!

Community Member

My school is using canvas for the first time this semester and the person I was dealing with did not think it was possible.  I will review the links you reference and let you know if  we can close this issue...thanks for the fast reply,

Community Member

The bulk download looks like it will work for me.  I am not sure if the 'upload' can do what I need.  I need to be able to upload the grade for the assignment and any comments.  I do not need to re-upload the assignment.

The way I did this in Blackboard:

1.. create a row with student id in column 1

2. I set column 2 with the student's grade for the  assignment. This cell mapped to the grade for the student's assignment in canvas' gradebook.

3. I set column 3 with the comments for the student's submission. This cell mapped to the comments for the student's assignment in canvas' gradebook.

4. I added as many student (rows) as needed.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for adding these details. In Canvas, uploading grades is accomplished through the Gradebook:  How do I import grades in the Gradebook?


Community Member

I see based on the documentation that canvas canNOT update the comments section.  As an instructor, I want to add comments when I grade a student's paper.  Canvas, as currently created is lacking a comment upload which forces me to use the GUI and creates more work for me and, for the most part, makes the grade bulk upload useless to me.  Is it possible to modify Canvas to allow me to submit comments with a grade?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Uploading comments is the the topic of a long-running conversation at  Import Grade Comments. The discussion is actively monitored by our product team, so please add your comments and rating to that idea.

We'll archive this one to keep the conversation from branching off. While archival doesn't close a conversation for comments, the Question Forum is the best place to ask for advice on using Canvas features.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived