Start of Term Messaging to Support Students and Faculty In 2021


Messages for Students

Welcome Back to Campus

This campaign is designed to help students and faculty transition back to on-campus learning by providing updated policies and procedures.

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Promoting Virtual Academic Services

Students may not realize the support services they rely on when on-campus and still available virtually. Many universities are offering online tutoring appointments, counseling center sessions, and more. This message is a reminder for students to engage with university resources.

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Changes to the Academic Calendar

Some universities are adjusting spring break, end of the semester, and holiday dates for Spring 2021 to avoid additional COVID-19 outbreaks on campus. However, this can largely impact student and instructor schedules. This message can be sent to all users to remind them of the changes to the academic calendar due to COVID-19 restrictions.

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Bookstore Information for Ordering Textbooks

This message can be sent to all students to remind them to purchase their books and update them of any changed bookstore hours.


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Important Dates for Adding/Dropping Classes

This message is intended to remind students of important dates for adding or dropping courses through the registrar.

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Transfer Student Checklist

This message is designed to welcome new or transfer students to the university. These are tips that students can use to feel prepared for the new semester at a new campus.


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Reviewing Academic Integrity

This message is to remind students about the academic integrity policy and provide confirmation they have agreed to the Honor Code.


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Messages for Faculty


New Course Availability for Instructors

The goal of this message is to inform faculty of when their courses are live for them to add content and customize before the semester begins.


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Start of Term Course Announcement Reminders

Because many faculty will not be able to meet their students in person, this reminder suggests to them to make a greeting announcement for the start of the semester. Instructors can set the tone of the semester, address online learning policies, and welcome students to class.


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Promoting Faculty Support Centers and Online Teaching Resources

Your instructors may need additional assistance when teaching online, especially if they have minimal experience. As a way to connect them to university resources and possibly reduce support calls, you can provide information on faculty support centers on campus.


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Coronavirus Messages


COVID Policies for Spring 2021 on Campus

This message is intended to help students and staff prepare for returning to campus for the Spring 2021 semester during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


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Reminders for Submitting COVID-19 Test Results

As some universities return to in-person activities, many are requiring faculty and students to submit a negative COVID-19 test taken within 14 days of the start of term. This message would serve as a reminder to individuals they need to submit their test results. Our sample message includes a consequence to not submitting test results (ex. having a block on your account) but if there are no consequences the text can be easily altered to fit the messaging of your university.


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COVID-19 Mask Reminders

Most universities that are bringing faculty and students back to campus are requiring masks to be worn. However, some may not be aware of this rule, especially if mask-wearing is not required in their city or country. This reminder is good to include during the first two weeks of the term.


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As always, feel free to look at the rest our the messages created by our incredible customers on the Universe! Have a campaign that works well for you? Submit it to the Universe so that other customers can see what is effective on your campus!