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Taking an online course successfully: Students

Taking an online course successfully: Students

What is the purpose of this campaign?

This campaign provides important information to students who are participating in online learning.


Message placement

📌 Course home page                      📌 Dashboard page                         📌 Conversations page: Compose a message button (page load) 
SystraySystraySystraySystray HintHint

 📌 Syllabus page                                 📌Announcements page                📌 Modules page 

SystraySystray SystraySystray SystraySystray

  📌 Student course grades page



Support Articles

How can the impact of this campaign be measured?

Campaign engagement

Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign 

Average tool adoption

Monitors have been placed on the following pages/elements as data points to define the use of the tool

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 13.09.06.png

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