Partial credit for Matching


Please please please bring back the partial credit for "matching" questions. It seems clear to me that folks who removed this function cannot be teachers -- as it stands now, a student might get 5/6 matches correct, and still receive 0 points. How is this possible? How does this help their learning?  So to use the matching function I must go back and rescore all matching questions. Why is this necessary? It defeats the whole purpose of having an online exam if I must regrade a good portion of it. Looking at the conversations on this website, faculty have been requesting this update for years now. Why hasn't it been done yet?  It was included in the classic version of Quizzes, why not New Quizzes?  This must change

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived

Thanks for sharing this feedback, @rlgreen . This is the Idea Conversations space dedicated to requests for enhancements to Impact. Please follow  New Quizzes: Partial Credit for Matching Questions; we expect to release this functionality in the January 2022 Canvas LMS release. Whenever you'd like to post a request for an enhancement to the Canvas LMS, please post it to  Idea Conversations

Thanks again.