Impact Idea Conversations

Idea Conversations is currently in a paused state as we work on a new process. Shiren Vijiasingam, our Chief Product Officer, outlines an overview of the new approach in his latest blog post.

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6 Ideas in: Open
At our institution, we try to use custom user groups as much as possible to target our messaging. Sometimes the population is static, but they're often dynamic as we're targeting all online students o...
On behalf of Melissa Harwin from Mercy:    We would like to be able to delete users from a custom user group. This would be helpful if we are trying to create a reminder for instructors to fill out fo...
Original author: Cleveland State I'd like to see a way to allow more results per page (looks locked to 10 per page currently) or a show all results option when viewing the names within a custom user g...
We would love the ability to create custom user groups by course IDs. This would be different from hierarchies because sometimes there are groupings of courses that pertain to a message but do not bel...
Original author: Elisa Taylor from Utah State University It would be really nice if you got back a summary or report of the users who couldn't be imported when trying to import a CSV to create a custo...
Problem: What are you unable to achieve?  (optional) When removing the user assignments from a message/article, it has to choose the user groups in the assignments list. If there are a few user groups...