[Reporting] Include ability to change/customize Time Interval in other Insights pages

Problem statement:

Currently, the Time Interval dropdown is only available in the User Activity page within Insights. One of our Report Viewers asked if the presentation graphs for the Tool Adoption page can be changed from weekly to daily and there is no option for that. By default on the X axis of the presentation view, it shows as weekly (with Monday being the default displayed date).

Proposed solution:

Like in the User Activity page, please put the same Time Interval dropdown (with choices Auto, Day, Week, Month, Year) so the admin can choose how the data is presented in the graph for the Tool Adoption, Course Activity, and My Reports pages. Having the admin choose which Time Interval to display their data gives them more control on how the data is presented (in the displayed graph, and when they download the data).

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.