[Tool Adoption] Apply user-category filters when selecting campaign tool adoption monitors for specific roles/user groups

Problem statement:

When utilizing the tool adoption outcomes section within a campaign, if an admin chooses categories that are user-based categories, the tool adoption section displays unfiltered data. For instance, we had a campaign held to raise awareness to our faculty and students about the Support Center in the Help Menu. In the campaign’s Tool Adoption section, we selected the categories for the Help icon and the Support Center link for each user group (Primary instructor, Primary student, All users). The user group was displaying the same percentage of views, but when these categories are viewed from the Insights page, it displays the filtered views according to the user group. While this seems like a bug, this is working as expected since Tool Adoption in campaigns do not apply any user category filter and is instead showing the number of views based on the reporting template. The workaround would be to make a reporting template for each monitor for that user group and choose those monitor categories instead of choosing the granular monitor categories attached to a reporting template.

Proposed solution:

Have the Tool Adoption section within a campaign display a tool adoption report for that campaign with filtering based on user category, and unique individual data are shown for each user category.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.