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Impact Release Notes (2023-08-17)

Impact Release Notes (2023-08-17)

In this Impact release, an update to Inline Editor allows admins to utilize custom CSS selectors. Additionally, accessibility updates have been added to the Impact Dashboard, Walkthroughs, Insights, and Inline Editor.

Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.

Updated Features


Inline Editor

Create Contexts Using Custom CSS Selectors


Create context in Impact using custom CSS selectors

Guide(s) How do I define a custom element with the Impact Inline Editor?
Related Ideas [Campaigns] Empower Impact Admins to Use Arbitrary CSS Selectors When Creating Custom Contexts

Creating contexts using custom CSS selectors empowers CSS-adept Impact admins to create rich, targeted resources for faculty, staff, and students.


Other Updates



Impact Dashboard

Throughout the Impact Dashboard, date pickers are accessible to Screen Reader and Keyboard-only users. Additionally, when items such as messages, walkthroughs, and articles are being deleted, their names are clearly indicated in the confirmation deletion modal.


When Screen Reader users delete a walkthrough step, text from the dialog is read by the Screen Reader. After canceling the action, the focus is moved to the delete button. After deleting the step, the focus is moved to the add step button.

When creating a walkthrough, descriptive field labels are added to Message type, orientation, width, and height.


On the Insights page, Auto filter and Export drop-downs display appropriately to Keyboard-only users, and descriptive texts under headings have paragraph tags. Additionally, when users choose a date that is invalid or disabled, the date picker does not correct the date automatically but displays a warning modal and Screen Reader users are read the warning modal.

Inline Editor

In the Inline Editor, the frame on the buttons has a wider margin for higher visibility for the focus of Keyboard-only users. Additionally, the Inline Library menu (Messages, Support Articles, Monitors) is changed to nav for Screen Reader and Keyboard-only users and the Screen Reader reads the menu close button.


Fixed Bugs


  • In the Impact Dashboard, table loading times are faster compared to previous loading times.
  • Walkthroughs appear according to the campaign state; when a campaign is running the Walkthrough is shown, but when the campaign is stopped, the Walkthrough is not shown.
  • If a user’s active Sub-account is no longer available, the user will fall back to the instance level.
  • After switching instances, the default reporting templates for Tool Adoption and Course Activity Insights are preselected on every instance and in line with Monitor Categories.
  • Inline Editor displays appropriately when enabling Chrome extension.
  • The Message details page displays appropriately with a suitable load time.
  • In the Inline Editor, context is recognized immediately after the user starts to create a helpitem.
  • When a campaign audience is larger, the campaign start/stop page loads appropriately.  
  • Canvas Course Reports display appropriately for non-expert users. [Added 2023-08-18]

Change Log




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