How do I schedule a new year rollover for a Canvas Infinite Campus integration?
As an admin, you can schedule Canvas Infinite Campus integration rollovers at the account level. You can schedule data set rollovers (most commonly during the summer) that automatically pause and resume schedules around end-of-year processes in Canvas Infinite Campus.
- If your institution has any Change Requests that need to be performed during your rollover, please create a case with Canvas Support and have it escalated to the SIS Team queue. For example, you can request changes to course or section naming conventions, or you can request new login data if you are changing your Single Sign On (SSO) login method.
- Please make sure you are setting your Sync Pause Date to be at least 1 day before you roll over to your new school year in Canvas Infinite Campus, and your Sync Resume Date to be at least 1 day after you have completed your rollover in Canvas Infinite Campus. For example, if you are planning to roll over to your new school year in Canvas Infinite Campus from 2024-06-24 to 2024-06-29, you will want to have your Sync Pause Date be 2024-06-23 or earlier, and your Sync Resume Date be 2024-06-30 or later. This is to avoid any unintended data deletions and duplications in Canvas.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.
Open Utilities

In the SIS Integration page, click the Utilities tab.
Note: If you do not see the Utilities tab, there may be no sync jobs run within the past week, or you are using an integration for which utilities are not yet supported.
Enter Rollover Name

Enter a rollover name in the Rollover Name field.
Select Sync Pause Date

To select a date to pause the data sync, click the Sync Pause Date Calendar icon [1], and select a date [2]. The date displays in the Sync Pause Date field [3].
Select Sync Resume Date

To select a date to end the pause, click the Sync Resume Date Calendar icon [1], and select a date [2]. The date displays in the Sync Resume Date field [3].
Select Schedules
To select schedules affected by the rollover, click one or more schedule checkboxes.
Add Rollover

Click the Add button.
View Rollovers
The Rollover Dates page displays the rollover name [1], the name of the user who last updated the rollover [2], the sync pause date [3], the sync resume date [4], and a rollover status [5].
Available rollover status values are Upcoming, Ongoing, and Completed.