Propel your teaching skills with ChatGPT prompt engineering techniques

Published on ‎09-21-2023 06:59 PM by Community Coach

During this session, we will explore the potential of prompt engineering and ChatGPT, providing creative approaches to crafting captivating and efficient prompts. These prompts will not only enrich your course materials with dynamism but also help you generate content ideas, streamline course development, and design interactive assignments. Discover a range of techniques to elevate your teaching strategies, develop dynamic course content, and promote student engagement and collaboration in the age of AI-powered education.

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Thu, Oct 5, 2023 11:00 AM MDT
Thu, Oct 5, 2023 11:30 AM MDT
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Community Coach

Looking forward to what you have to show us! 

Community Member

This was really excellent. I look forward to using some of this with the teachers I work with.

Community Member

Thank you Dr. Nufer for an awesome workshop. I look forward to sharing some of the resources you provided with my team.

Community Coach