Get Ready... Get Set... Get that Goodness in me!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

It's no mystery that we've done things a little bit differently this year for #instcon. We baked InstructureCon and all its intricacies right into this new Canvas Community platform (lovejive​)

25069137.jpgThe great quandary of InstructureCon is this:

With all the amazing things going on, how do I get all this goodness in me?!

(No, I'm not talking about the delicious food, either... I'm talking about the intellectual feast being served!)

It can be overwhelming to be surrounded by so much greatness, so many impressive people with so much wisdom, and so many invaluable lessons to learn. But then to know that with every opportunity taken, another one is missed. So if I spend time in one place, learning one thing, then I miss another opportunity to be in another place, learning something else.

Let me empathize with you for a moment... I feel your pain! The annual #instcon feast makes us all giddy with excitement to learn, network, and have a blast! But when it ends, and that IV of awesomeness pumping into our minds, is removed, we are left feeling hungry again. I hear ya! And that's why we (The Community Team) have done something different this year! As so nicely captured by Erin Anderson: "Feel how others are feeling and act accordingly." We did!

We built a solution for you... and you're looking at it right now! The Canvas Community! InstructureCon 2015

Here are a few of the priorities we have aimed to accomplish:

  1. Make it easy for you get/stay organized; Help you find the best sessions that are most applicable to you (Check!)
  2. Allow you to connect with others in a deeper way instead of just with 140 characters​ (Check!)
  3. Provide an outlet where presenters can share content and supporting material (ppts, docs, pdfs, etc.) with those who attended their sessions (Check!)
  4. After InstructureCon is over, we wanted to make it easy for people to keep in touch, learn, and grow together, and continue building upon the great ideas shared at #instcon (Check!)

By building InstructureCon 2015​ here in the Canvas Community it is strategically poised alongside all the other great content which is growing in various parts of the community like the Instructional Designers​ or the Canvas Strategies and Canvas Admins groups. Let's keep going, and keep it growing! You all are what makes this such a vibrant community!

Deactivated user​ and  @tawnya_means ​ nailed it, here...


Now, get ready for the feast, because today was just the Hors d'oeuvres!

Be sure to check out the schedule for WEDNESDAY (instcon15)​ and THURSDAY (instcon15)​ and be sure to set up your own custom schedule by following the directions, here: MY SESSIONS (instcon15)

Onward and upward!