Teaching with Video in Canvas


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YouTube is great, but it doesn't provide the proper tools and experience for students to get the most out of teaching with video and enterprise video platforms are too costly and complex. Attendees in this session will learn about the Learning Engine, a complete video solution for Canvas that bridges Google Apps for Education, YouTube, and Vimeo Pro together. Teachers can easily record, upload, manage, enrich, and share video with students inside their canvas course video library and can add video to any course or group content they create using the Canvas rich text editor. Learn the differences between hosting on open YouTube and private Vimeo Pro, learn how to create well organized video libraries with smart metadata, learn about our tools to record and upload video directly into any Canvas courses, learn how to import open video from YouTube in a few clicks, and learn how to make video smarter by adding timeline based notes, tags, chapters, and spoken word to text to create a more engaging and smarter student video experience.

Presenter: Justin McCutcheon - Cattura Video