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Accessible for Everyone? Blog Post

Community Champion

This is a collections of resources and place for discussion for the 2018 Instructurcon presentation titled, "Accessibility for Everyone?".

Session Description

Accessibility is hard when you focus on legal requirements that only benefits a specific group. Changing the discussion to an ethical responsibility that benefits all learners is a game changer. Come learn strategies to transform attitudes around accessibility from anxiety to enthusiasm and more usable  courses for everyone.


Accessibility for Everyone? PowerPoint Slides

Resources and Notes

  1. Tool to Identify and Delete Unused File Blog Post (Leave a comment there if you are interested)
  2. More information on the Curb Cut Effect:
    1. The Curb-Cut Effect
    2. The Curb Cut Effect: How Making Public Spaces Access to People with Disabilities Helps Everyone
  3. Blackboard Ally Tool
  4. Why GOV.UK content should be published in HTML and not PDF
  5. Canvas Curb Cuts - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Success Criteria
    1. Consistent Navigation (3.2.3)
    2. Use of Headings (2.4.10)
    3. Helpful Link Text (2.4.4)
    4. Color Contrast (1.4.3)
    5. PDF Files that Don’t Suck (1.1.1)