2024 Hack Night



InstructureCon's Hack Night on Tuesday, July 9 from 6:30-9:00pm gives you the chance to meet face-to-face with people on our product and engineering teams who can help you take full advantage of what our platform has to offer. If you've run into a bewildering issue while building an integration, or if you can't find an API that gives you that one thing you need, or if you've got an idea about a small fix that would make your life easier--sit down with a member of our technical team and show us!

As an Instructure engineer since 2012, I know the inner workings of Canvas as well as anyone, but I don't actually use it day-to-day. That's why I love hack nights. People like you bring daily experience that sometimes challenges my assumptions about how people use our platform. Having a conversation with you while you show me on your own laptop screen what you are trying to accomplish helps me understand your needs in a way that Jira boards never will.

Hack Night is also a great opportunity to meet with other customers who are building on Instructure's platform. You can share solutions, brainstorm ideas, and bounce them off the experts. We will have Community Coaches waiting to greet you and guide you toward the projects you are interested in. Feel free to comment below on what you want to learn about or build on--this will help us plan an efficient and effective experience for everyone. I look forward to meeting you!