Canvas Tips to Save Teachers Time

Community Participant

I don't know many people, especially teachers, who are not pressed for time. However, Canvas can help you save this precious commodity. Here's how:


Canvas Quizzes Can Score Themselves: Use a variety of questions from matching to multiple choice to fill in the blank and let Canvas do the scoring for you. Open the quiz to randomize questions and allow students to retake the quiz multiple times as a great self-assessment tool.

Let Canvas Be Your Study Guide: Tired of creating study guides from past quizzes and notes? Keep your past modules open, allow students to revisit old quizzes, and post your video lessons/notes for easy reference guides for your students as they prepare for high stakes semester exams.

SpeedGrader is FAST: Easily score student work (discussions, assignments and quizzes) in Canvas using SpeedGrader, which sorts student work by class and in alphabetical order.)

Canvas Can Accept Just About Everything: Which makes scoring multimedia projects a cinch, because everything opens in SpeedGrader for you!

Keep Absent Students in the Know: By posting lectures/notes in modules and using the calendar to post the day's work. Let students know to check Canvas when they are gone. Then when students ask, "What'd I miss?" you can simply respond, "Check Canvas!"

Collaborate With Your Colleagues: Add colleagues as collaborators in your course to share content between classes.

Use Audio/Video Comments in Assignments: To leave quick feedback for students.

leaving comments.png

When you are leaving feedback on an assignment in Speedgrader, did you know you can leave comments four ways?

1. Type in the textbox and select "submit comment."

2. Upload a file from your computer.

3. Record either a video or audio comment right in Canvas!


4. Speak your comment and let Canvas do the typing! (I'd keep these to minimal statements as precise pronunciation is important.)

Use Automatic Time Control Features and Prerequisites: In modules and individual assignments/quizzes/discussions to control when content is available to students automatically.

Use Rubrics to Give Clear Expectations: And score them with the click of a button in SpeedGrader!

Check out the Commons: For modules, assignments, discussions, quizzes, and other content other users have already created! Import them into your course and tweak them to serve the needs of your students!

Import Past Courses into New Course Shells: To save creation time each semester/year. You can import the entire course or selected course content. Don't forget to check to the box to "adjust dates" before hitting that submit button!

With all that time you save, you can enjoy a nice cup of Joe and watch reruns of Miami Vice. Smiley Wink

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

3545657028_5b54e1c4c0_o.pngWow Amber! There's a part of me that wishes I was still a Canvas Trainer because I would share this awesome blog post with every new institution coming on board with Canvas!

From now on, when someone asks... "Tell me more about Canvas." or "What are the benefits of Canvas?!" I will assuredly direct them to this blog post! Thanks for taking the time to put this together!

Community Participant

:smileyblush: Thanks!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Love the post. I am totally sharing it with my teachers! Thanks for taking the time to share it.

Community Novice

This is such a fantastic post! Thank you for sharing  @amber_hainline ​ - will definitely be sharing this with our staff!​