Mastery Connect Release Notes (2025-02-27)
Release notes outline upcoming customer-impacting changes that are expected to be displayed in production environments. Please note that features considered for future development are not included in the notes.
Unless otherwise stated, all features in this release are available in the Production environment as of 2025-02-27.
- New Features
- Tools & Accommodations
- Shuffle Answer Choices
- Updated Features
- Analytics
- Comparison / Saved Dashboard Actions to Overview Dashboards
New Features |
Tools & Accommodations
Shuffle Answer Choices
Tools & Accommodations include shuffle answer choices on all supported items on a per-assessment basis for any item-based assessments, including district benchmarks. When enabled, students receive a custom answer order for any supported item type in a shuffled assessment. For admin and teachers, the sequence of answer choices is displayed correctly in the Item Analysis based on the original sequence.
Note: The Shuffle Answers feature is not currently available on Mastery View Predictive Assessments or College Prep Assessments.
Change Benefit
This update enhances assessment security by providing randomized answer choices for each individual student. This functionality ensures that no two students see the same answer order, further protecting the integrity of assessments.
Feature Workflow
Assess Modal: Shuffle Answer Choices
Teachers can shuffle answer choices through the Assess modal on item-based assessments, by selecting the Shuffle Answers option in the assessment Tools & Accommodations.
Admins: Shuffle Answer Choices
Admins can shuffle answer choices on district benchmarks, by enabling the Shuffle Answers option in the benchmark Tools & Accommodation settings.
Updated Features |
Comparison / Saved Dashboard Actions to Overview Dashboards
District Admins, School Admins, and Teachers are able to access their Saved Dashboards and initiate Assessment Comparison.
Comparison/Saved Dashboard Actions to Overview Dashboards
To access the Saved Dashboards, click the Saved Dashboards button.
Change Log