Weekly Online Activity Resource Results

Community Champion

I thought there used to be a specific link for feedback in the Analytics 2.0 user group, but I'm not seeing that anywhere. Loving the Weekly Online Activity feature! Teachers have asked for this and it's a great thing to get into our hands. One issue I'm seeing when you view resources is that it's listing images that are parts of pages. In my screenshot, the third resource down is an index page for all of our district staff communities. The resources listed beneath that are images we use as icons on the "Canvas Communities" page, not files users would directly open.  We're using DesignPLUS from Cidilabs to create a tabbed page here so I'm not sure if that's a factor, or if you'd see the same analytics for a page built purely from the RCE.  Since they're all part of the same page load, it's not helpful or informative to have all these images listed; I have to comb through the resource results to see if there were any other "real" pages or resources that were actively used that week.317681_analytics 2.0.jpg