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New Analytics Users

Be involved with the latest updates and changes to New Analytics in Canvas LMS. Includes known issues, FAQ, and release notes.

Feature Timeline

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Oct 2019

Analytics is generally available and the existing analytics functionality is deprecated.

July 2021

Attendance is included as a report in course-level analytics.

  • Canvas Release Notes (2021-08-21)
  • TBA 2022

    Account-level analytics includes a new design and additional features.

    New Analytics Users Discussions

    New Analytics Users questions and discussion forum

    I want this available to be sorted by Quarter

    Community Novice
    New Analytics Users
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    Would like to see statistics by quarter. 

    Community Novice
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    We use Blueprints at my organisation. Anyone know if we can filter/compare associated courses in Analytics 2 the same way I can filter/compare groups?   Thanks, David

    Community Explorer
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    In Analytics 2.0 it would be nice if you could see which assignment you were sending a message about in the pop-up window where you type the message. It shows on the prior screen with the bell curve graph, but not in the message pop-up

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    When I try to look at the chapter 5 Test results it says there are no graded submissions but there are and it has been published.  Older assignments show up.

    • 1 Replies

    Hi community!So on the Analytics BETA feature was working great until I made changes to some assignments in my Gradebook and it never refreshed the changes on the page and still has the data from when I enabled the tool. Is it a known bug or is it be...

    • 2 Replies

    I've been playing with Analytics Beta in the our beta site since October 8th. Today, October 29th, I thought it was supposed to appear in production, but I don't see it there. In addition, I can no longer see it in the beta site.Where did it go? Am I...

    • 4 Replies

    We have a course where Analytics BETA shows this:But, the course has 6 sections and 1141 students:And there are grades:Other:The "old" Analytics information does take a few minutes to load.Question:What could be causing Analytics BETA to not work for...

    • 4 Replies

    hiya - I'm wondering if this is intended behavior. We have a custom role built off TA for our Learning Fellows (undergrad learning assistants) --- which --- has any permission relating to seeing Grades or Analytics turned off.These include:View Analy...

    • 3 Replies

    It appears that this is a reporting tool only. Does use of this tool in any way change any of the data. Our assumption is no, but we want to be certain. Our Business Intelligence team has a separate process that pulls from the Canvas database and run...

    • 1 Replies

    Issue #1: Unclear labeling in BCC lineSteps to reproduce:1. Add two filters, for two students (one of whom has a missing assignment).2. Click on "Message Students Who"3. Choose "Missing"4. in the "BCC" row, I see the names of two students, followed b...

    • 1 Replies

    It would be nice to be able to open Analytics and see at a glance which students actually viewed an instructors assignment submission feedback and which ones did not.  That can help instructors (a) pinpoint the students who need help and (b) dedicate...

    Community Contributor
    New Analytics Users
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    In a section card The bar charts display a varying number of bars as I move between assignments, some have 13 bars, some have 21. This is odd.It seems that there are N bars of equal width, plus one bar for "100%". Again, odd.Hovering over a single ba...

    • 1 Replies

    Beside the "Course Grade" title, there's a v-icon for a drop down menu. The drop down menu has only one item. This appears useless.In the comparison filters box, there's also a v-icon, which is un-clickable. This appears to be useless.In the comparis...

    • 1 Replies

    In the People page of my class I can see that students have logged in recently, but in Analytics Beta all students have "-" listed as their last interaction, and last activity. In the downloaded export.csv, these columns are empty, and so is the "las...

    • 3 Replies

    This probably dovetails with other suggestions.  I haven't had time to read through the other comments.1. When clicking on the student's name, we'd like for the system to go to their grade screen (not the gradebook).  From there it would be easy to s...

    Community Contributor
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    • 2 Replies

    After reviewing the Analytics Beta LTI, a question came up about the ability to save template messages (written by the institution or the faculty member). If a faculty member is teaching multiple courses, they would like the option of selecting a mes...

    • 1 Replies

    When clicking Missing submissions or Late submissions from the assignment details box, I get the option for the Full List CSV. This Export does not contain any info in the "SIS User ID / Email Address" column.  Is this just because it's in Beta insta...

    Community Champion
    New Analytics Users
    • 2 Replies

    HelloI'm looking Beta Analytics in our beta environment and wondering why there is a discrepancy between last activity in the beta analytics students table and the same student(s) last activity listed in People?I've attached side-by-side screengrabs ...

    Community Contributor
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    • 6 Replies

    Hi,It would be great if the Analytics LTI would reflect the permission settings for each role or to add a permission specifically for this LTI. We do not allow TAs to see student submissions or grades because we are an undergraduate institution and o...

    Community Novice
    New Analytics Users
    • 1 Replies

    What, exactly, is meant by the number of students with Late Submissions or, for that matter, the definition of On Time looking at the student table view in the Beta Analytics?  I have looked at a sample course in Beta with this enabled.  Looking at A...

    • 4 Replies

    TL;DRGuides, FAQ, and Known Issues buttons in the User Groups: Analytics Beta community page all have unfinished/broken links.EXPANDED DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKFLOW YOU ARE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISHWhen I click on the buttons for Guides, FAQ, and Known Issu...

    • 2 Replies

    Suggestion:When you click on an assignment/quiz blue dot and the Modal popup appears it would be very useful if the title for the assignment or quiz whose information is being displayed also appeared on the Modal.Reason:Currently you don't know which...

    • 1 Replies

    TL;DRHave analytics not tied to a specific course (although being able to view a single course would be great as well), so an instructor (or the success coaches that are added as instructional designers) could see all of the students grades in the co...

    • 1 Replies

    After I add Analytics BETA to the course navigation for a course with 4,602 students and 15 assignments in it, the Analytics Beta interface loads, but does not display student data. Also, this should be in Priority: Analytics 2  or somewhere else, bu...

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