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New Analytics Users

Be involved with the latest updates and changes to New Analytics in Canvas LMS. Includes known issues, FAQ, and release notes.

Feature Timeline

Subscribe to this group for updates to enhancements and features.

Oct 2019

Analytics is generally available and the existing analytics functionality is deprecated.

July 2021

Attendance is included as a report in course-level analytics.

  • Canvas Release Notes (2021-08-21)
  • TBA 2022

    Account-level analytics includes a new design and additional features.

    New Analytics Users Discussions

    New Analytics Users questions and discussion forum

    Did anyone tried to get the new Analytics data through Rest APIs ? If so can you share the API resources and Samples

    • 1 Replies

    Hello!  Is there a way to see the exact number of interactions that you have had with a student?  I know that in the interactions report it shows the last student interaction which can be a teacher comment in speed grader or a message sent though the...

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    I would like to assign different assignments based on current outcome score.  This wouldn't be based on a specific assignment so I can't use mastery assignment. Is there a mastery pathway option for an overall outcome score? 

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    How Can I authorize my Student and Teacher from my local project into canvas?

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    I have been exploring New Analytics in Canvas. We are trying to see data for specific content such as lectures, videos, etc., how long the content was viewed, etc.    Is there a way to view analytics for course content in Canvas?    

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    I've been searching through the Guides and the Community all morning and am unable to find an answer. How long does analytics data persist?  We are new users of Canvas and only have data going back a few months. Does the analytics data purge at any t...

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    Good morning!  I am trying to access log files for students from our Spring 2020 semester.  The CSV export only shows three weeks of access.  My Canvas Account rep has instructed me to utilize Canvas Data, but I am unsure as to how to proceed.Any adv...

    • 1 Replies

    Hello everyone!I have a puzzling situation. It was brought to my attention that individuals with the Analytics-View permission on their admin role on a subaccount are able to view the student information in New Analytics for courses on subaccounts in...

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    How does New Analytics affect the Canvas Data Store?

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    New Analytics Users
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    Hello,When I click to download the Weekly Online Activity, the .zip file gives three .csv files, but one of them is empty.Download: weekly_online_activity.zipchart.csv - average activity (one row per week)resources.csv - total students/views/particip...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    Old analytics was very useful, New Analytics completely useless. What is the value of class averages? I teach students, not abstract statistics.Does anyone find the new analytics useful, and for what? The 24 hour refresh also makes it unreliable.By t...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    Hello!  Hope everyone is safe and well. We had a faculty asking a few questions about Conferencing (BBB) analytics: There are staff under the impression that the BBB can store statistical and measurement data, retrieve and correlate the time spent on...

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    When looking at the People view, there is a column that says "Total Activity".  How is that time calculated?  I have students in the course who have completed assignments but the Total Activity is 0.

    • 3 Replies

    I would like to set up a course as follows:  Three equally weighted exams will count 75% of the final grade.  Ten quizzes which make up the remainder 25% of the final grade.  I would like to set it up so that  if the average of the three exams is les...

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    New Analytics Users
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    Will the data available every be live? Currently it says last updated over 24 hours prior, but our weekly online activity dashboards don't actually reflect unless it is a week prior. I'm concerned that our faculty won't engage in the new analytics un...

    • 1 Replies

    There being a button in the right sidebar, the navigation link is supererogatory.

    • 3 Replies

    Our institution has been trying the New Analytics features. Even if we are using a Canvas Supported browser, we still have to enable third-party cookies before the New Analytics to run. Otherwise, the New Analytics cannot be loaded (i.e. black page)....

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    After knowing that the New Analytics is not supported for large course weights (students X assignments>50K), I was trying to explore how many courses are being affected in my institution. It turns out that we got a dozen of courses having huge course...

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    After trying out the New Analytics features, we found some confusing ways for presenting some features. (1) The list of students is not clear. By default, the Course average is displayed, and the list below counts all 10 students in my course. When I...

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    A few more comments for the New Analytics(1) When viewing with multiple filters, sometimes the markers in the chart perfectly overlap. In this case, it's not easy to click on the interactive marker that is underneath. Information such as “average” an...

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    When trying out the New Analytics, having some more functions to be beneficial to users. (1) The filter function should allow greater flexibilityUser should be able to remove the course average if they want to.Multiple group comparisons should be all...

    • 1 Replies

    We've just recently turned on New Analytics to get ahead of the March rollout, which would be a challenge with our term schedule. We have a few "public" courses that are available as resources for students, and do not require enrollment to access. Th...

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    I'm looking at the New Analytics and can't seem to figure out how to look for details on a specific page or resource.  For example, I want to see what students have/have not viewed Resource #1.  I can see the number of students who have viewed Resour...

    • 4 Replies

    I'm curious--what is your thinking around enabling New Analytics view for students? If you did it, why, and how's it going? If not yet, why not and when do you think you might (if ever)? 

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    The "old" analytics page had a graph called "submissions" where you could see the date that specific assignments were submitted.  (It had green dots for submissions -- hover over them and you can see details of the submission, including the date subm...

    • 1 Replies

    The course coordinator for one of our high-enrollment programs would like to have more descriptive data about assignment grades.  In particular, she is looking for median and quartile information.  I have been scouring the New Analytics group and the...

    • 6 Replies

    Hi allWe are setting up our courses for Spring 2020 and want to be sure those courses use the new user analytics. In beta we have options for on, allow, and off. In production I only have on or off as options. Is there something I need to do differen...

    • 3 Replies

    While In beta looking at the New Analytics, I noted that the 'student view' returns an error message. The navigation appears to be offer the same to students as instructors. Is anyone else experiencing an error? If not, what should I be seeing when i...

    • 2 Replies

    When viewing the Weekly Online Activity, after I scroll down and select a student name I can see detail for that student.  And to go to the next student I need to click the back arrow, scroll down again and then select another name.Any chance there c...

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    New Analytics Users
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     @kturco ‌  I'm currently working on a project at University of Melbourne to provide some personalised email functionality for students using an external tool called Ontask (Home | OnTask ).  It's a great tool which allows you to import data from a v...

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