New Quizzes - Insert Document/File missing in RCE

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Can't find any options to insert a document (pdf/word) in RCE.
Can only insert image, video and audio files.
Classic quiz supported inserting files, but not the new one.

The plan is for the student to download a file from the quiz
And later upload a file (the answer)
See attached picture.

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Good morning, @fagskolenitroms ...

You are correct.  I looked in my own sandbox course where I also have access to New Quizzes.  I do not see any option in the RCE (Rich Content Editor) to add things like Word documents or PDF files.  I looked at the New Quizzes Roadmap...which you can see here: New Quizzes Hub - Instructure Community ( see if I could identify any upcoming projects that Instructure is working on with respect to your question, but I didn't see anything.  You might want to consider submitting an idea here in the Community to allow for documents to be attached to New Quiz questions.  You can do that here: Canvas Ideas and Themes - Instructure Community ( by clicking on the blue "View and Submit Ideas" button.  Then, on the next screen, you would click on the blue "Submit an Idea" button.  Be sure to check out these Guides (under the "Ideas and Themes" heading) before submitting your idea: Community - Instructure Community (

Sorry this isn't a direct answer to your question, but I hope the information I've given you will be helpful in some way.

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