NextGen Question Types

Community Participant

I want to ask that the New Quizzes group explore some of the NextGen Question types that are coming down the pipeline for Nursing Programs. While I completely understand that the New Quizzes team is super busy - and I am seeing a lot of great work and improvements with New Quizzes I do think that New Quizzes really needs to stay ahead of the curve and to do that we need to see New Quizzes offer the most cutting edge question types that really push our assessments to really dig deeper into student learning. While I currently work at an institution that is Healthcare focused and these question types are specific to Nursing I do think these question types can benefit all levels of teaching (k-12 and higher ed, I formerly teach high school chemistry and have plenty of teacher friends at all levels of education and I can see these question types being used to better assess student learning at all levels). 

Question Types I am proposing: 

  • Multiselect Gridded Response - creating a table with rows and columns where within each cell there is the option for either radio buttons or checkboxes for a student to check off items 
  • Drag and Drop to an image for labelling (being able to drag and drop more than one item ideally) 
  • Being about to have students interact with text in a stimulus - like click to highlight the main idea - allow the reading to be tokenized so that if a student clicks anywhere within a sentence it would select that whole sentence or tokenized phrase. 

For reference I am attaching the two pdfs about the Nursing NCLEX that is being updated soon that talks about some of these NextGen question types. And again while I completely understand Canvas as a very large userbase - I do think these are question types that would benefit more than just the Nursing programs since they questions types would allow for more robust assessments that could potentially test higher order critical thinking skills for students at all levels.