Sakai LTI Integration LMS for Faculty
Adding LTI assignments
After your LMS administrator sets up the Portfolium LTI application, You will then have access to create new assignments.
1. Logged in, go to a course.
2. Go to the Lessons section.
3. Click on “Add Content”.
4. Select the “Add External Tool
Adding Assignments
The LTI assignment form loads, fill out the following settings
- Tool Title (Above the tool) - Assignment title.
- Click on the “Save” button
Click on the newly created assignment.
Linking the LMS Assignment to EDU Platform.
When you click on an LTI assignment in the LMS, the application auto-logs into the Portfolium EDU Platform. If you are new to the EDU Platform, you will be taken through the on-boarding flow to establish your account. After your account is created, you will be taken to the assignment setup page.

Complete the EDU Platform Assignment Details
The EDU Platform requires you to enter the following fields to create your assignment.
- Instructions - This will give the student directions for the assignment.
- Scoring Type - Set the scoring type for this assignment, there are 4 options to chose from
- Rubric*
- Star Rating
- Letter Grade
- Pass / Fail.
- Skills/Competencies - add the skills the student will acquire from completion of the assignment.
- Due Date - Set a due date on when the assignment must be completed by.
- Category - Select the assignment category.

Assignment in EDU Platform
Click on the “Go to Assignment “ button. You will be directed to EDU Platform.