Sakai LTI Integration for LMS Administrator

Access the LTI application configuration. 

The LMS Administrator will do a one time setup for Portfolium LTI application.

  1. Logged in as the LMS Admin, on the left navigation, click on “Site info” menu item.

2. On the Site info section, click on the "External tools" tab.

3. On the “External tools” section, click on the “Install LTI 1.1 Tool” link (located on the top right of screen)

4. The “External Tool Configuration” form loads. Fill in the following data:

- Tool Title: Portfolium LTI

- [YES] Allow tool title to be changed

- Button Text: Portfolium

- [NO] Allow tool title to be changed

- Description: Allows faculty to connect assignments from Sakai with Portfolium's Assessment Platform

- Tool Status: Enabled

- Launch URL:

- [NO] Allow tool title to be changed

- Consumer key: [Portfolium Account Manager will provide]

- [NO] Allow tool title to be changed

- Shared secret: [Portfolium Account Manager will provide]

- [NO] Allow tool title to be changed

- Privacy Settings:

[X] Send User Names to External Tool

[X] Send Email Addresses to External Tool

- Services:

[X] Allow External Tool to return grades

[X] Provide Roster to External Tool

[X] Allow External Tool to store setting data

- Indicate the following types of Content Item Selection launches this tool can handle. Not all tools can handle Content Item Selection launches. If you enable a tool which is not capable of responding to a particular request, it will likely fail when you try to use it.

[X] Allow the tool to be launched as a link (this is typically true for most tools)

[X] Allow external tool to configure itself (the tool must support the IMS Content-Item message)