Schoology LMS Integrations
An LTI link in Schoology can be set up at either the course level or the institution level. We recommend the institution level if given a choice, as it ensures consistency, centralized troubleshooting, and ease of addition in subsequent terms.
To add an institution level, you must have an Enterprise Schoology subscription and hold a role that allows you to install LTI Integrations in the System Settings.
Institution Level Setup - Installation Instructions
Step 1) From the Home screen, from the left hand menu, click System Settings

Step 2) From the same left hand menu, click Integration

Step 3) From the Integration pages top menu bar, click the External Tools tab

Step 4) Click the Add External Tool Provider button

Step 5) Fill in the information provided, according to the advice below
Tool Name: A name that will stand out as clearly Portfolium. We suggest Portfolium LTI.
Consumer Key: Provided by Portfolium, copy it into this field
Shared Secret: Provided by Portfolium, copy it into this field. Remember to check for leading or trailing spaces.
Privacy: Leave as the default, Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool.
This is required to provide the user with a Single Sign-On experience and is considered registry information by FERPA guidelines.
Configuration Type: Manual
Match By: URL
Custom Parameters: None

Step 6) Click the submit button at the bottom. It will then appear in the list. To edit any of the settings, click the name.
Institution Level Setup - adding as a Materials item
There are two areas where the LTI link can be added. As a Schoology app in the left hand school/course/group menu, or as a materials item within the course. The steps below assume that the Portfolium LTI link has already been set up at the institution level.
Step 1) Navigate to the course and verify that you are in the Materials section of the course, by ensuring it is in bold and color in the left hand menu.

Step 2) Navigate to the folder that you wish to add the link to, or stay on the main page to add it to the main page feed.
Option 1 - Main page

Option 1 - Within a Folder

Step 3) Regardless of the option chosen above, click the Add Materials button and then from the menu that appeared, click the Add File/Link/External Tool link.

Step 4) Click the External Tool link to the far right, a new pop-up will appear

Step 5) To the right of the Tool Provider header, click the drop-down menu. From this menu, click Portfolium LTI (or what it was named during setup)
Step 6) The URL, Key & Secret all use the Institution setup settings. All that is needed is a Title that will communicate to students and the instructor that this is the link to click for Portfolium. In this example, we've chosen Portfolium.
Step 7) Now click the Submit button.
Step 😎 The link now appears in your folder or main materials feed in your class, depending on where you set it up. Simply click on the link to have Schoology launch Portfolium within the course. Note that if Portfolium doesn't appear and/or you receive an error message, contact your Portfolium representative for assistance.
Institution Level Setup - adding as an app
This requires System Administrator or similar permissions in Schoology. It will allow you to add Portfolium in the left hand menu, below the standard list of Schoology items, for all courses in a Schoology building/school.
Step 1) From the Schoology home screen, on the left hand menu at the very bottom, click App Center.

Step 2) From the top page menu, select My Developer Apps

Step 3) Click the button Add App

Step 4) Fill the information in the form out as directed below.
Type of App: LTI App
Launch App in Schoology: Tick if you desire it to be framed into Schoology, untick to launch as a pop-up (note this isn't a new tab). We recommend opening in Schoology at this time due to the limitations of a browser pop-up window.
App Name: Your choice as this is what will display to students & instructors in the course. We recommend Portfolium
Description: Required, but doesn't display to students or faculty. Briefly describe Portfolium.
Category: Other
Level: None
Recommended For: Leave all unchecked
Available for: Only people in my school
Can be installed for: We recommend and give directions for courses. Similar principles apply for Users or Groups if desired. Select all items in the Courses sub-menu.
Privacy: Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool
Configuration Type: Manual
Custom Parameters: Leave this blank
Make app available to System Administrators only: Leave unchecked
This app uses Cookies: Leave unchecked
Allow System Administrators to configure settings for this App: Check this
Require configuration: Check this
Starting Price: Leave this blank
App Logo: You may use a logo here if you wish. This is the icon that will be displayed in miniature next to the link in the course.
Feature Graphic: You can leave this blank, it isn't displayed to students or faculty
This application meets the Schoology Terms of Use: Check this box
Step 5) Click the blue Submit button.
Step 6) The Developer Apps page will now load. You may need to refresh your screen several times for the Portfolium app to appear. If it takes longer than five minutes, you may need to contact Schoology support.
Step 7) To the right of the Portfolium name is the Install LTI App button. Click that. Note: Your button may be a different color depending on your school's branding

Step 😎 Click Add to Organization
Step 9) You're now in the Organization Apps area of the App Center. Find Portfolium and click the Configure button

Step 10) Enter the Consumer Key & Secret that you were provided by Portfolium. Remember to check for leading or trailing spaces as you copy the information in! Leave Custom Parameters blank.
Step 11) Click Save Settings
Step 12) Scroll to the top of the page, to the right of Organization Apps will be All Schools in blue. If you want to install this app for all schools, then leave it as All Schools, if you only want to install this for one school/building, click All Schools and then select the correct School. Due to Schoology limitations, you will need to repeat this step if you want to install it for some Schools, but not others
Step 13) Click the Manage Installs button in the same row as Portfolium.

Step 14) Check the All Courses box, by default that will also select For All Course Members

Step 15) Click the Submit button
Step 16) Enter any course in that School. It should now appear in the left hand navigation menu. At this time it isn't possible to reorder that list.