Impact Insights Redesign is Live!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Blog Headers -- 2000 x 200 (3).pngEarlier this year, we launched the redesign of the Campaigns area in our Impact dashboard. That release was the first phase of replacing our legacy screens with a more cohesive and seamless user interface. We are thrilled to announce that the redesign of the Insights area of the dashboard is now finally here as well! 

This redesign updated all insight screens including user activity, tool adoption reports, course activity reports and our other report types. In addition to the new look and feel, there have been some upgrades in the structure of these pages to provide a more comprehensive workflow that include:

Improved Create New and Edit Report pages

To make the creation of different custom report types more cohesive, we consolidated all the report type selections into one page. In addition, we removed the modal structure for creating and saving a new report and put everything on one page for easy overview and customization. 

The page is now split into three steps:

  1. Report Information: Name and describe your report for future reference.
  2. Report Type: Here you can select a report type from our previously available options: Users vs. Monitors, User Trends, Monitor Trends and Champions report. Each report is also accompanied by a description of what data the report type will show for easier decision making based on your needs. 
  3. Report Data: This section contains your report filters that will control what you see on the graph or chart of your selected report type. These filter options are dependent on the report type that you select.


Comprehensive chart presentation and actions

For more clear control over your chart presentation and actions, we have moved those options inside of the chart. 



Take action using your Tool Adoption report data

The Start Campaign button is more prominent and easy to access so that you can take actions based on the Tool Adoption report.

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Export your Tool Adoption data

You can now export your Tool Adoption data (CSV and chart files) straight from the Tool Adoption report page. 

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Introduction of adoption rates table in Tool Adoption report

Understanding the adoption rates of tools in your LMS is one of the key goals of Impact. To make this information more clear and readable, we have moved this information into its own designated table. You can toggle between the monitor categories and see a breakdown of all adoption rates in this table.



Additional tool-tips to enhance understanding of charts and percentages

To provide you with all the information you need to interpret your insights and make data driven decisions, we have added and refined our tool-tips. 



Accessibility improvements 


This redesign includes accessibility improvements throughout all the insight screens.


Head over to your dashboard now to check out all the design updates and experience the new insights screens!

You can also use our Impact guides to learn more about using Impact Insights.


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.